Thursday, May 19, 2011

soccer camp

DSC01600, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

this year during spring break the rec center had a free soccer clinic. it was fun for the kids and just so cute to see kiki in her little pink shin guards. they gave us lunch. we played on the playground and even went for hike around in the woods outside the rec center, which turned out to be the kids favorite part.

our good friends and neighbors have 5 kids from age 5-11. they went too. we play with them pretty much every day since their house backs up to lynn's house and they have a big lot of grass that we can play on. they are the funnest , nicest kids. they come over sometimes to play at our house, or for dinner, or we meet at the playground or any thing else fun we do around town.
they are homeschooled, so they are in a fun home school group that the girls are also in. the kids just can't get enough of each other!!!

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