Saturday, February 11, 2012


DSC02756, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

this year we went to the nutcracker. it is our family tradition. so as soon as the xmas stuff went up in the stores in oct. the girls were asking about going. they were so excited. we never go anywhere all dressed up, except to church...but to go out to eat all fancy, total dream come true for the girls. i even waved all of our hair and let the girls pick out my clothes and accessories...the girls love the show. its long and they watch and enjoy the whole thing!

more current updates:
we are actually learning a lot this year in school. everyday i tell tom, "i learn something new everyday and it's only kindergarten" ...tom makes fun of me for saying it, until the other day when he overheard me teaching them something...biggest countries, blah, blah, blah....he didn't believe me...whipped out his phone to double check me and i was right.....even tom is learning a lot in kindergarten.

kiki is so sweet, everyday she tells me at least 3 times, randomly, that she loves me. yestarday we went to a baptism, the girls were so reverent and quiet, and it was kinda noisey, halle's two friends sat next to her and talked the whole time and halle sat perfectly quiet without me even having to say anything to her. kiki sat quiet too on my lap. in the car ride home i told them how good they were and how happy i was and most importantly i kept telling them how happy that made Heavenly Father. kiki's cutest quote of the day: "mama, i want to do everything that God wants me to do". i told her that made my heart happy and she said, mine too!

i bought kiki a box of tissues for her runny nose. first time i ever bought a box of tissues for the girls. kiki held the box the whole time in the grocery cart she was so happy and every time, and i mean every time she used one that day, she came and told me, "thank you so much for buying me these tissues! your the best mom in the whole world!" was just tissues and they were really cheap, but it was so sweet!

halle is crazy about cheer. can't wait to post pictures. she comes up with cheers all day and the moves. and then we all have to watch and then she says, do you like it. i say yes. and then she asks if i'll use it and teach teh girls at the next practice. sometimes they are so random i can't use them ("ready, ok, i like ice cream, go team go!" get the idea), but every now and then i use one of her moves or let her change one of the cheers i found online and she gets so excited!

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