Monday, March 12, 2012

the twins

DSC02993, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

the girls love to take the "twins" everywhere! we bring their strollers to stores and feild trips, ect......

cute quotes:
we were getting ready to go somewhere after a long day, i said to tom, do i look alright or should i go change? kiki said with a shocked voice, "mama, you look BEAUTIFUL, you don't need to go change"
it was so sweet.

halle, "mama, whenever your driving, i get so nervous that your going to hit a mailbox"

someone at church asked halle if she was still doing cheer. she said no, but my dad taught me basketball the other day. he said, thats cool, your dad will be a good basketball teacher since he's a good player. halle said, "I don't need a teacher anymore, he already taught me, and now i know how to play."
the person laughed and told me what she said. i said, you can only imagine the challeneges we've had with homeschooling this year.... she already knows everything

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