Thursday, September 15, 2011

tea party

DSC02214, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

tea parties with the cousins never gets old. its back to school for the boys so its back to just the girls during the day. these girls love each other sooo much. the girls always find baby stuff for lily at the store and think i should buy it for her. "no, her mom can get her diapers" or "no , her mom buys her clothes"....yestarday kiki was begging me to buy her something, "mom, i would really love to see her in this dress" and i heard halle say, "kiki, mommy doesn't want to waste her money on lily." made me laugh....i'm such a tight wad

quotes of the day:
Halle, "mom, did you just see that a motor cycle passed you"
me, "yeah"
halle, "i guess this truck is going really slow"

out on a walk looking at neighbor's dog:
me, "you see that big dog, he probably eats way more then our little dog, huh?"
halle, "he probably eats babies"
me, "what???"
halle, "did you see the size of his mouth, he could fit a whole baby in that"

kiki never lets me forget to read them the scriptures at night, but one night it was just too late and i wasn't feeling great so i said not tonight....
next morning kiki says, "mommy, when you didn't read us the scriptures last night, i had to say a scripture in my head."
me, "you did? what did you say?"
kiki, "i love to see the temple, i'm going there someday"
so cute!

yestarday was a lazy day.
halle said, "mom, were you in your pjs all day?!?!"
me, "yup"
halle, "OH MY GOSH< you didn't even wear a bra all day?!?!?!" and then laughs and laughs at me.....

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