Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Girly Girl

ok, so there's girly girls and then one step above that is Halle. She is all girl. I really don't understand how her girliness surpasses mine, i don't know where she learned it. She loves makeup. as we walked by a SAlly's beauty supply store, her eyes lit up like she was looking at a candy store. I told her the store was closed and she nearly had a panic attack as she choked out the words, "but, i think my lipstick from this morning has rubbed off". i tried to assure her that i could still see it. She loves to put on lipstick and when she's done she says, "now i need something to make it shine" (meaning I need lipgloss on top). When we are getting ready to leave the house, she is quickly accessorizing herself, something anyone who knows me, knows I never do! she grabs a matching purse, bracelet, necklace, her princess cell phone, ect. she even tells me, " i have to go upstairs and get a different bracelet", me: whats wrong with the one you have? Halle, "this one doesn't match my dress". I think sometimes she's actually embarrassed for me that I don't know things like that. She loves to match her shoes to her dress and likes to help me pick out Kiera's outfit to match her dress. A few times she tried to talk me into putting kiera in a dress during the week, I had to explain to her that kiera doesn't like dresses because she can't crawl in them as quickly. Halle seemed horrified until i explained that kiera would like them when she got older. Halle hasn't asked me yet to get her ears peirced, although she has asked me to wear earings, something I never do. the other day she told me, "mommy, when me and kiera are big like a mama, we are going to get our ears peirced". Last week I got a pedicure (my second pedicure ever, last one 5 years ago). I came home and explained to Halle what a pedicure was (washing feet/painting toes). Halle stared at me in awe, like I was describing heaven to her. I really felt like she would have enjoyed and appreciated the pedicure more then i did. Immediately, she begged me to paint her nails and of course, kiera's nails, which we did. At least a few times a day she asks me and tom, "don't I look pretty?" Tom loves halle's girly side, he's always up for a tea party, my little ponies, or a game of pretty pretty princess (and of course, he'll wear the jewelry). One time he let halle stick princess stickers all over his shirt before they went to the store, and since we live in a fairly small town, someone who saw them at the store, saw me with Halle the next day and told me that Halle had a pretty cool dad. I had to agree!
We love watching Halle get all glamoured up and walk around this house like she's a superstar!

Bribes, Bribes, Bribes

We are making progress on potty training, slow progress, but i'm satisfied that at least we are moving forward. Halle has not had an accident for weeks now. I am usually the one to suggest that she go sit on the potty , but she tells me that she has to go (or that she started to go and stopped it) about half the time. We have gotten no where with number two, she always go as soon as I put on her diaper for naptime. I am fine with that for now, at least she waits for the diaper, right? But I have thrown out a ton of bribes to encourage her to try to use the potty. I gave her a bite of a snickers bar and told her she could have the rest if she went. I told her we could go visit Lynn if she went. I told her she could hold new baby Lucy if she went. Finally tonight i told her she could have whatever she wanted if she went. so what would you want? Halle, "Make up and a horse". I said ok to the makeup and she just keep saying "and a horse". figures, this would backfire and she would come up with something I can't get her.

Halle and the Sun

Halle: "mommy, the sun is up"
Me: "the sun is saying, 'good morning'"
Halle: "mom, the sun doesn't talk"

Halle: "We forgot to put on sunblock"
Me: "we don't need sunblock right now because the sun is about to hide his face"
Halle: "mom, the sun doesn't have a face"

Tan lines!

DSC04693, originally uploaded by Our Little One.
Halle's tan lines are soo funny. It looks like she is wearing a white bikini when she is naked. We have been going to the pool every day except sundays and mondays its closed. The girls love it! Kiera does not like to go to other people's pools because when i try to hold her she wiggles to try and free herself from me. Somehow she believes she can swim. Our pool is so much fun because it has a really large walk in area that gradually gets deeper and deeper. Kiera can crawl around in the shallow part and cruise the edge of the pool. The pool also has a really big slide. We take turns taking the girls on our laps. they love it and kiera smiles and giggles the whole way down.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Originally uploaded by Our Little One

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

I love my girls!!

I love my sister!

DSC04678, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

silly sisters!!


DSC04662, originally uploaded by Our Little One.


DSC04668, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pause the music!

make sure you pause the music to fully enjoy the videos!
player is to the left hand side, click on the top, the pause button!

Halle's silly singing

Originally uploaded by Our Little One
I have a hard time capturing Halle at her ridiculous moments because she usually hates when i get out the camera. This is a rare video that captures just how goofy Halle really is. (luckily the camera was already on the couch so the moment was spontaneous) We were singing some songs together and Halle thought it would be hilarious to use this weird voice and make this weird face while she sang. She was totally cracking herself up. Tom was also laughing sooo hard that Halle is staring at him during the whole video because she loves when she makes us laugh. Halle is always trying to crack us up and usually does a good job at it.

there is another song on my flickr page thats just as silly.

trying to get kiki to walk to me instead of the camera, impossible!

Mother of three

Mother of three, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

halle loves the face of this doll. as if two of the same doll wasn't enough, she found another one at the goodwill, she walked around the store hugging her saying "mommy, i love her sooo much, i really, really love her" (using really multiple times to show emphasis is halle's newest expression)
when i told her i would buy her ( i usually tell her we have enough dolls at home) her face looked like it was christmas morning! who would thought spending a buck could make a child so happy!

"mama, help me!"

"mama, help me!", originally uploaded by Our Little One.

sometimes kiki loves halle to tackle her, this time she looks to me to save her!

kiki's goofy smile

DSC04625, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

kiki has one tooth on top that has been in for over a week, its about half way through, the other one isn't even close to breaking out yet, so she will have this goofy, one tooth smile for awhile!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Livin' in the South

Living in the south is a new experience for me. well, living anywhere outside of UT and AZ is different for me. Our town isn't that small , but it has a small town feel to it sometimes. there is two things about it worth mentioning, one, it has the most churches per capita in the US, there are churches everywhere! Most everyone has a church they go to, I like that the town is religious and conservative. the second is that last year, Oprah did a feature on small towns, begining here, the "heart of GA" and filmed her favorite things episode here!
Raising kids in the south:
kids use "yes, ma'm or yes, sir" towards adults. I am not teaching Halle to do this, hopefully I stick with my plan to homeschool or she is going to come across as rude to her teachers. today in the car I asked Halle to climb out of her seat, she said, "yes,ma'm". i said, where did you learn that. she said from peggy. I thought it was funny. whenever we are around peggy and ruthie, halle uses the term "teetee" instead of "peepee" (that's what all the mom's here, including peggy, call it, except me, of course). She will use the term for awhile after we are away from them, too, its funny!

Icky sticky!

We have gotten better lately at having Family Home Evening with the girls. (Family Home Evening-sitting down as a family on Monday evenings to learn stories of Jesus, values, Bible stories, or play a game, sing songs and pray, ect.) It makes me happy when Halle asks about Family Home Evening, since her attention span is so short, I sometimes wonder how much she actually takes in. Thanks to Lynn, we have fun flannel board peices that get her involved in learning stories!
I have decided that one of the best ways to teach Halle is in random moments when she is listening more then talking (rare moments). Yestarday on a walk, I was pointing to different things, trees, flowers, butterflies, and telling her that Heavenly Father made all of these things, and they are so beautiful, and we are so thankful that He made them for us. Upon returning home, we see a giant cockroach in our driveway that Tom destroys with our broom handle. Me and Halle were pretty disgusted and when we came in the house Halle said, "mom, Heavenly FAther didn't make that bug." me: why not? Her: "it's too icky sticky!" I thought it was funny, but i told her He still made it. I'm excited about teaching her the gospel. She is so cute when she is praying or singing church songs. I have so much I can't wait to tell her!

President Benson said: “Mothers, you are your children’s best teacher. … Teach your children the gospel in your own home, at your own fireside. This is the most effective teaching that your children will ever receive. This is the Lord’s way of teaching. The Church cannot teach like you can. The school cannot. The day-care center cannot. But you can, and the Lord will sustain you. Your children will remember your teachings forever, and when they are old, they will not depart from them. They will call you blessed—their truly angel mother”

"We cannot and we must not allow the school, community, television, or even Church organizations to establish our children’s values. The Lord has placed this duty with mothers and fathers. It is one from which we cannot escape and one that cannot be delegated. Others may help, but parents remain accountable. Therefore, we must guard the sanctity of our homes because that is where children develop their values, attitudes, and habits for everyday living."(Elder M. Russell Ballard)

"It is mother’s influence during the crucial formative years that forms a child’s basic character.

Home is the place where a child learns faith, feels love, and thereby learns from mother’s loving example to choose righteousness.

How vital are mother’s influence and teaching in the home—and how apparent when neglected!" (President Ezra Taft Benson)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


-Halle told me the other day that lunch was mmmmm...licious.
-On a walk she said, "that cloud looks like a butterfly and that one looks like a suitcase"
-halle's "favorite toy": she loves to play with these little care-bear figures and a little house. she makes them have little conversations (whats your favorite show, what do you like to do?).
-her imagination has really taken off in the past couple months. she loves to "tend" (pretend) all kinds of things are going on. at the pool she has a few things she likes, "let's tend that i'm areil and you are ursuala" and then she starts telling me she wants legs and holding invisible treasures and using the toys as fish. another funny one is pretending we are in mermaidia and we are mermaid barbies (its a movie, we have the book) she goes to the vents at the bottom of the pool and says this is the bogs of the hinterland (the place where prince nalu is being held captive) and yells "prince nalu are you down there". it makes playing with halle a lot of fun, but i'm sure people at the pool think we are crazy!
-we have been going to the pool everyday. for the past week i decided to just keep swimming and skip Halle's naps. the pool tires her out by the end of the day and she has been in bed asleep no later then 6:30pm! I lost my mid-day break, but have loved having the evenings off and no more getting up after i put her to sleep, some days she is so wasted that she's asleep before i even leave the room.
-we have a new nephew, born this week! Julianna and Cory (tom's brother) had baby Christopher! we can't wait to meet him along with our new neice born a couple months ago , kady and taco's new addition, Gaby!

Product Reviews:
-kc masterpeice fajita marinade *****
we have been using it as a sauce for our fajitas, it is soooo yummy, we eat fajitas once a week now!! i'm sure it would be good as a marinade as well. (note: its sweet, the May family should not buy)
-swiffer sweep and vac **
I have finally fufilled my dream of having a swiffer and i'm a little disappointed. the swiffer is fast and easy to use. but it does not get everything off the floor, the vacuum is weak. i'm back to old fashioned sweeping and on my hands and knees to mop with rags!
-bowls with attached straws *
i thought these bowls were great, Halle loved them, and she didn't have to pick up her bowl to drink the milk out. so i finally decided to try it my self. mid-bowl, i was excited to take my first drink, i ended up slurping into my mouth a brown mucus plug! it has taken me weeks to even talk about it with out feeling like i might throw up! be warned, these straws do get fully cleaned out in the dishwasher and who knows whats growing inside!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kiera is 10 months old!

Kiki (tom told me to change the spelling) is 10 months today! She has grown up sooo much this past month, i'm glad, kiki has not been an easy baby and i am ready for her to grow up alittle bit! Some things about our little keeks (halle and tom's new nickname for her):
-last week she got one upper tooth (bringing the count to 3). She was up nearly every hour at night and would scream so hard that she screamed herself hoarse! I didn't know she was cutting a tooth, so it wasnt' till it popped through that I finally gave her tylenol and she is back to sleeping in 3 hour blocks (will I ever get a baby that sleeps well at night???)
-the most often comment people say to me about kiki (besides, "she's got alot of hair") is commenting on how fast she can crawl, which makes halle start crawling and halle can hardly keep up with her!
-kiera can climb up the stairs, then sits at the top and then turns around and backs down them, she can also climb out of the pool and can back into the water. kiera is a climber, she can climb the rock wall at the playground, she can climb onto the top of the little tikes table in the kitchen, the ottoman, and up halle's stool and onto the counter (of course we didn't let her stay up there and now we have to keep the stool folded up). she can climb the toddler ladder at mcdonalds and go down the slide
-she loves the pool and has no fear!
-she can shake her head no if you do it to her. if you stick your tongue in and out she will do it back to you. and make that tongue in and out sound, lalala
-she loves to roll away when i'm changing her, make her body as stiff as a board when i'm buckling her into her carseat and scream and pull at her clothes for me to know that she enjoys her nakedness.
-she bounces to music, loves singing or looking at books. she can out eat halle most of the time. (tom was shocked the other day while looking for leftover pizza, i said there were no left overs. "we ate a large pizza!?!" halle had 2 slices (in the car while i was bringing the pizza home, kiera had an entire slice , i had 2 and tom had 3, yup, our family can officially eat a large pizza!
-kiera lays her head on your chest if you say hug, hug! she loves to hear herself scream. she has little fear, but will cry if she hears halle cry.
-she smiles at everyone who looks at her and loves attention from strangers. she lets most people hold her but buries her head into me if strange people try to hold her. she thinks halle is soo funny and loves her attention!
she can stand up alone without holding onto anything and can take a few steps if you reach your arms out to her (but falls into your arms, still pretty wobbly)
kiki goes up the stairs and looks back at you every few steps and smiles , if you say "i'm gunna get you" she screams and darts up a few more steps, then does it again

anyways, you probably got bored half way though this little 10mon tribute but i want to record some things about her each month since i'm not so great at keeping up on her babybook! We love our kiki so much!