Wednesday, December 7, 2011

just another day at the garretts

DSC02576, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

the girls always find ways to have fun at our house! dressing up and dancing is an everyday event!

quotes of the day:
halle, "mama, can we hang some mistletoe really low for pepper and if any dogs come over and they walk under it with pepper, they can sniff each other's butts under the mistle toe"

grandpa lopez, "what are you going to leave santa to drink with his cookies"
halle, "alcohol"

i was pretty shocked she would say this, since we don't drink, but i guess that's why she thought it would be a funny joke. the only time she has ever heard that word is when i taught them about the word of wisdom and explained to her that we don't drink alcohol....

i need to get a video of halle's southern accent....she's getting good at it and its pretty funny.

1 comment:

Boyd Box said...

This picture makes me think of Star Search!! Seriously, if those girls tried out, they'd win strictly on the cuteness factor.