Tuesday, February 28, 2012


DSC02981, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

today we were driving in the car and kiki says this:
"mama, i couldn't sleep all night, i was up all night feeling so bad and sad"
i ask why
"i feel so sad that daddy has to work and doesn't get to be home having fun with us all day. its just so sad. he has to work and doesn't get to have fun"
she looks likes shes on the verge of tears, so i tell her, thats sweet kiki, and i'm sure he misses us and wishes he could be here, but i say, daddy is glad and happy that he can work and make money so we can live in a house and eat and play.
later i told tom. when i got to the part about daddy being "glad and happy", he just shook his head and said i'm not that happy about it....me and halle laughed, kiki looked confused....halle said, yeah, you have to make money so we can go out and spend it, hahahahah. i said, "yeah, and today we wasted it on the dog" (pepper got some shots)....then we were all laughing, even kiki....

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