Saturday, May 23, 2009

ear rings!!

DSC07175, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

halle has been trying to convince me for awhile that if i let her sleep in underware she wouldn't wet them, but since she always wet her diaper i didn't believe her....i finally said that if she did potty train at night i would get her ears peirced...sure enough, she's kept her underware dry every night

she was sooo excited, i told her it hurt and she said she didn't care....she's really tough and rarely cries, so i knew she would be fine....sure enough, she hardly flinched and is sooo happy to show them off and tell people that she didn't even cry....
she's been good about helping me remember to clean them 3 times a day...we can't wait till we hit 6 weeks and can change them!

1 comment:

Heather said...

So cute. I hated the earrings they pierced with; I was so excited to change them. Isabella has this same dress. I know my LoLo loves her some $5 Wal-Mart dresses! :)