Saturday, May 9, 2009

kiki and halle

kiki and halle have become best buds, they love playing together and are so nice to each other....

-at the chic fila playyard a 2 year old pushed kiera, halle shouted in her face, don't push my baby sister! and kiera kept saying "NO, NO, PUSH!!!" over and over again in the girls face, in her, what we call, "evil voice" (this low, raspy, scary voice kiki uses when she's angry)...both girls just stayed right in this child's face like they were going to jump her, halle looked back at me to see if i was watching them, i winked, nodded and gave her the thumbs one messes with a garrett girl...

halle's favorite ride at disney, "peterpan ride" when i asked why, "i liked being in a flying boat"...halle really thought the boat was flying, since she couldn't see that they were hooked to the wonder we did that ride 4 times!

-Kiera's latest, she likes to hold your hand and take you somewhere to show you something, she says, "m-on" (come-on) "m-on, look, look, see it, see it"

-Halle, "mom, i would like to go to outter space. Would that be so cute to see me and kiera in ostri-naut suits?"

-ruthie and halle are at toys r us making a note about every toy they want. Halle, "ruthie, santa clause will bring you that toy" ruthie (who's jewish), "who?"...halle, "santa"....ruthie, "who's santa?"....halle, puts her hand on each of ruthie's shoulders, stares her straight in the eye, and says in a shocked voice, "ruthie, SANTA CLAUSE!...(then in a slow, articulate, are you retarded voice) SAN-TA CLAUSE...HE COMES AT CHRISTMAS AND LEAVES PRESENTS!!!!!!"

halle to ruthie, "the food goes in your mouth, down some tubes and out your butt"

halle's friend gave her a packet of seeds..halle, "mom, i would love to plant these marigolds around our house"....i looked at the packet and sure enough they were marigolds...apparently halle says her church teacher taught them what marigolds were...halle, "mom, i want to learn all the names of the flowers" .....we started working on it

kiki: is learning a lot of short phrases, "where passy go?"....there it is....find it...see it....i want ___
she also knows pink and purple and calls most letters H, since that is what halle writes everywhere and points out on things, she loves to sing and sings very loud, if anyone is sitting on the floor with an exposed back, kiera will hop on from behind and yell, yeee hawww, yeee hawwww!! last week at church during the prayer halle leaned forward and kiera jumped on and started yelling "yeee hawww, yeee hawww!" and of course, halle and her (and me and tom) started cracking up!

tom, "halle, hang on to my arm and i'll swing you down this flight of stairs"..halle, "no, daddy, i'm not going to do that, it sounds very dangerous"

we went to gatlinburg, TN over the weekend...halle came up with "gatlin-booger" which was funny and then of course her parrot, kiki, was saying it too

we told halle to teach kiera to pray, its super cute, halle says a line, like "thank you for our family" and kiera yells out the last word "family"


Boyd Box said...

I think the greatest thing about your blog is the way you capture the events and sayings of your girls. TOO hilarious!! Emily asked me, "What happen, Mommy?" I just kept giggling and told her that it was something funny. I love my dose of hilarity provided by the Garrett Girls.

Aunt Sue said...

Speaking of "capturing sayings" of the Garrett girls....when they were here last month for a visit (this is grandma Lopez speaking) Halle says to me one morning "Grandma, your breath smells like vomit". Nothing like a reality check from a child!!

I love my girls!!

Heather said...

Good for your girls for taking on the playground. That's how I'm raising my kids: Don't start a fight (unless it's TOTALLY warranted), but you better make sure to finish it :)