Monday, July 6, 2009

Moon Sand....grrrrrrr

DSC07966, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

i saw this moon sand at a yardsale, for 50 cents, i've seen it sold at stores and its expensive...what a deal, i thought and the colors weren't even mixed up yet, i could tell it hadn't been used more then one or two never occured to me that maybe theres a reason someone was so eager to get rid of this is such a MESS!!!
here kiki is getting it off the floor, more actually ends up on the floor then on the table, i sweep it up and put it back in the bag...each time i lose a few tablespoons, we'll see how long it lasts and how long i can put up with the mess!


Aunt Sue said...

Where's the moonsand? I only see oatmeal from breakfast?

momma sue

Susan said...

Ha ha! I bought moon sand once a couple of years ago. As soon as I realized what a mess it made, I gave it away. You are more patient than I!

Melanie said...

I only get mine out twice a year -- when we watch/listen to General Conference. I pour it into 2 cookie sheets, one for each boy, then give them some little cars and cookie cutters and it holds their attention span a long time! True, half ends up on the floor, in their laps, hair and clothes, so the amount does get smaller each time!!