Monday, July 6, 2009


DSC07952, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

It's moments like these that i'm so happy when i capture because i hope i never forget them! nothing makes me happier then seeing halle and kiera really act like sisters. this is one of their daily activities: sitting at the vanity, accessorizing and doing each other's hair. halle is such a good big sister, she adores kiki, i've often overheard her saying things to her friends like, "isn't kiki so cute?!" or "if you are mean to my sister, you'll have to go home" or "kiki is not a baby, she's a toddler" (which means , give the kid some respect, she gets to play too!)

this picture is a perfect snapshot of a typical moment...we weren't going swimming, but the girls just got their matching swimsuits and had to wear them....kiki is the "victim" of a painful hair brush, but its a mermaid brush, so its worth it.....and kiki wore those goggles most of the day...a typical kiki fashion statement...


Boyd Box said...

Oh!! I can't wait for Emily and Gianna to be doing this!

Heather said...

I want to spend the day with your girls. They're so stinkin cute, and I love their bond that's already tight. One thing's for one's ever gonna mess with Kiki. Halle's totally got her back!

Aunt Sue said...

KiKi needs to add one more article to her fashion statement - a helmet!

I love and miss those adorable girls, and I remember Halle standing behind me on the couch and doing my hair- or I should say what was left of my hair after the "cruel and unusual" brushing!!

grandma sue

Melanie said...

this photo should be entered in a contest! too cute!