Wednesday, October 14, 2009

halle's got the wiggles...

Originally uploaded by Our Little One
kiki's got the giggles....

halle did this with her body for a long time, so i decided to get some of it on video, she is so silly. you can hear kiki laughing while being tortured, i mean tickled by tom.... (video is the one above this post)

halle found a catapillar at the zoo, the next day it made a cacoon, we, me, as much as the girls, are sooo excited for it to turn into a butterfly we even brought it to dance class to show her friends....finding the catapillar was way more exciting then any animal at the zoo...halle said quite a few times, "this is the happiest day of my life!"

tom, "halle, what's your favorite holiday?"
halle, "christmas"
tom, "then what?"
halle, "Halloween."
tom, "then what?"
halle, "that one that Ruthie celebrates" (aka. haunikka)

kiki's cutest words:
flutterfly (aka: butterfly)
bed band (aka: head band)

we went to clairs today to look at earrings...kiki grabbed an arm full of jewlrey, comes over to me and says, "i want this for my birthday, my ariel birthday."

halle, "i need to accessorize before i go to bed"
halle, "when i grow up, i want to be a hair cutter"
kiki, "grandma is so nice"
kiki, "shreya, your hair is so boo-ful"
halle describing ruthie to grandma, "well...she's a big girl, with curly blond hair, and she's really cute."

grandma bought kiki sparkle shoes, she didn't take them off for 3 days, and nights, even when i convinced her to take them off, i would go in to check on her later and she would be sleeping in them, at least twice a day i hear, "look at my shoes, they're so pretty" or "they're so boo-ful" (beautiful)

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