Monday, December 14, 2009

sisters make the best friends

i know i ask my girls to share and take turns and talk nicely to each other, but halle has a level of sweetness in the way she treats kiki that i dont' know where she learned it. heres some cute examples:
i just joined a gym, i told halle and kiki they would stay in teh day care, while i went to class. later i heard halle telling kiki, "mommy is going to a class and you are staying with me. and i am going to protect you and take care of you, so don't worry." it was so sweet, i hadn't even told halle to do those things.

after dance class halle's friend broke a cookie in half and handed half to halle. without even a second of hesitation, or a word from me or kiki, she grabed her half , broke it in half and handed half to kiki.....i dont' know if kiki would have even asked for it or if i would have even told halle to do that, halle just thinks about kiki all on her own

in the car on the way to the gym, i gave them each a bag of cheese crackers and sprinkled like 10 m&ms in the bag. kiki ate out all the m&ms first and most of the crackers by the time we got there, halle hadn't. they put there bags in their seats and we went in. when we got back in the car and started driving, halle looked over at kiki with her empty bag. once again, kiki didnt' ask for any of halle's (she knows when things aren't her's) and i didnt' tell halle to share, i knew kiki would understand that she had eaten her's and i was ready to remind kiki....but with out any hesitation again, halle held up her bag to kiki and said, "what color m&ms do you want from my bag?" and she shared the rest of hers with her....i was so proud of her.

coming out of the gym, halle told me she took kiki to the potty (which is in the room, so i'm sure that just means she stood there with her) but halle loves to take care of kiki. kiki said, "halle took me to the potty and wiped me" (she also said, "i did poo poo and halle said, 'oooooo, yucky'")

yestarday me and halle went to pick kiki up from the nursery at church. as soon as kiki saw halle , she screamed, "HALLE, HALLE!!!" and she ran to her with open arms, she wrapped her arms around halle's neck and her legs around halles waiste, halle held her up like a little monkey and they spinned around the room, while kiki yelled, "i missed you, halle, i missed you!"....they had only been serperated for a couple hours, but even after one hour of dance, that is how they act when they always makes me happy, but yestarday it made me extra happy because another mom in the room said she had never seen anything like that before and had never seen sisters so close at such a young age, she said her and her sisters never got along till they were adults. my sisters were my best friends from very little, through teenage years, till now....i am happy to see my girls so in love.

whenever kiki is upset, halle can't stand it (and vice versa) but halle tries so hard to make kiki happy, she will dance in front of her, make silly faces, tell jokes, remember things she said days before that made kiki laugh and say them again. its really nice...and sometimes it works

yestarday kiki hit her head, halle quickly grabbed a blanket and wrapped her up in it, while kiki laid there. then halle said, "mom, she looks like the baby Jesus, all wrapped up"...for the rest of the evenening halle called her baby Jesus and took care of her, fed her dinner, each bite, rocked her, got her dressed for bed. it was cute and kiki, who LOVES to be treated like a baby, loved it!

tom told halle he was just taking her to the see the nutcracker, halle was excited about their date, but i could tell she did wish kiki was going. she asked me if kiki could go and i said, it was too late at night, but i heard her telling kiki, "when your bigger you can go with us, would you like that?"
i think its really sweet how the girls are never competitive and halle never throws anything in kikis face, and could out smart her and be mean . she got a gift from grandma and told kiki she would ask grandma to mail one to her. she never tells kiki that so and so is her friend and not kiki's , even though they usually are older. even though she likes to take care of kiki, because she understands kiki has limitations, she treats her like an equal playmate and like a friend


Boyd Box said...

Those two are so sweet! I loved the PDA yesterday. I must say that I don't think my girls will be that crazy over each other, but I hope they will.
Also, you should know that Emily's "pet frog" has also died. She informed me of this today. I thought it was hilarious and glad we can share the "sadness" of losing a pet. HAHAHA

Heather said...

I love your girls. I wish that you lived near. I think that our girls would get along so good. Isabella and Caden are so close right now...I hope that they grow up to be as close as your girls are.