Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Craft shelf

DSC09568, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

this is my new craft shelf. its one of my proudest motherhood acheviements.....i'm always so disorganized and having to find tape or a bandaid is a scavenger hunt....being at lynn's house inspired me to organize. i now have bins and containers all over the house and i am soooo happy!! halle is thrilled and shows off my new organization to people when they come over. This craft shelf was my best is in the laundry room, upstairs , next to the playroom where the girls have a little table. at least twice a day they are pulling out paper, markers, scrissors, sequence, whatever to do a craft. i plan a craft to do with them every morning for "preschool"....which is just a craft, books, stories and songs. then next to the table, i hung a string and got clothes pins for the girls to hang up their art. its been soooo fun. i can even get out some of my own projects to do while the girls are working on their stuff. i've actually started a baby book for kiera!!! and in all my cleaning up of junk drawers, i actually found her ultrasound pictures!!!

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