Monday, August 23, 2010


DSC00407, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

halle used to be able to trade toys with kiera really easily. kiera is so sweet that ususally you just have to ask, can i have that and she'll give it to you. but when she says no, halle has become a master mind at getting what she are some examples of her classic lines:
"kiera , can i have that pen your using" (halle)
"no" (kiera)
"would you like me to draw you a picture of ariel? you love ariel. i can draw you a pretty picture of ariel if you let me use that pen." (halle)
"yeah, ok!!!" (kiera)

halle, "kiera, i'll trade you this stuffed animal, for the one you have."
kiki, "no:
halle, "but mine is a magic monkey. its really cool. would you like a turn with a MAGIC monkey?"
kiki, "yeah, ok!!!"

its time to go, i say, halle, go get dressed. halle is too lazy to go upstairs.
halle, "kiki, will you go get me some clothes"
kiki, "no"
halle, "kiki, would you like to pick out my dress today? you can pick me out the prettiest dress you can find. i can look like a princess today. would you like that, kiki?'
kiki....running upstairs as fast as she can to pick halle out a dress.

its really not mean the way halle is saying it and not that often, and being a youngest child, i know that , that is part of life, so i just laugh when ever i hear it......


The Bailey Family said...

LOVE that marshmallow craft project! Running out tomorrow to get some marshmallows and toothpicks asap:)

The girls are getting soooo big! We miss you guys. You are always doing the funnest (pretty sure that's not even a word, lol) stuff:)

Heather said...

Ooooh she's good! She definitely gets points for creativity! :)