Monday, November 15, 2010


DSC00969, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

we are so excited that our baby guinea pigs are finally here! they were born yestarday and are soooo cute. guinea pigs are born with hair, eyes open and can hold them right away. we spent all day yestarday and the last 4 hours playing with them. i am trying not to let the girls get too attached becuase i told them they can each pick a baby to keep and we are getting rid of all the other pigs....but i need them to each pick a girl or each pick a boy.....and i can't tell who is who yet. guinea nibbles still needs to have her babies too!!! this is soooo fun!!! its like christmas for the girls, they are totally obssessed!!!! dont' know what names will stick, but i've heard popcorn, butter and carmel the most.....coincidently, my favorite foods......

1 comment:

Melanie said...

oh my gosh, the mama must have been huge to have those big triplets inside her! how fun for your girls -- and all of you!!