Thursday, February 17, 2011

new decor for their room

new decor for their room, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

i bought the girls each a shelf at the good will and the frames at the dollar store and i asked the girls what kind of pictures they wanted in their room, they said puppies and kitties so i bought a calendar at the dollar store too.....painted everything with left over pink paint from the walls and hung it all up. when i was done i told the girls to come in the room and see what i had done. they were screaming and jumping up and down, so happy about their new room. then i told them they could each get some of their special things and fill their shelfs. i should have waited a couple more days before i took the picture because their shelfs are twice as full and really cute! when people come over they love to tell them whos shelf is whos and point out different things that are theirs and why they are special.


Boyd Box said...

This is so cute! I love how you always make your girls know how special they are.

Susan said...

I love it! Henry has a small shelf in his room for his special things and I think I need to get him a bigger one.

Roulstone's said...

There are no guinea pig pictures on the wall! I'm stunned! Kitties and puppies took priority over the pigs. :) Oh well. It looks fantastic!! Wear your super mom of the year award with pride!