Tuesday, February 15, 2011


DSC00932, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

this year for halle's birthday party favors, we sent each kid home with a bag of green slime....it was a halloween theme, and there were like 30 kids so i had to go cheap! you can make slime with borax and glue and food coloring. it is very easy and fun to make and very fun to play with. since halloween was on a sunday this year, i decided to make slime for all the primary kids. the girls made me do each batch a different color. the slime is like the slime from the bubble gum machines , not sticky, so we made a big mess, but not impossible to clean up. and we still have a big box of borax, so i'm sure the girls will talk me into doing it again

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh this is cool, i wanted to get some slime for Christina's kids but the dollar store that i used to buy it at doesn't have it any more, maybe I'll just look up the recipe online and make some