can't remember if i ever posted pics from the last couple girls pj parties we've had. they have been tons of fun. the girls are begging for another one, so i'm sure i'll do it soon. check out the makeup on the girls!!!
sweet things i saw halle do this week:
when i was cutting kiki's hair she picked some hair off the ground and put it in a little jewelry box on kiki's shelf and showed kiki later how she saved some of her hair.
while the girls were sitting in the bath, while it was filling, kiki was sitting furthest from the faucet and was sooo cold. halle was filling a bucket with the warm faucet water and dumping it on her legs over and over, saying, i'll warm you up, i'll warm you up.
at the neighborhood yardsale, the day after halle's bd party where she had gotten some money. she told kiki , lucy and lily to pick something out at the neighbor's sale that they wanted and she would buy it for them, which she did.
she got two sets of earrings in her grandma's bd package. without even a hesitation, she told kiki, you can have a pair. i told her that was something only Jesus would do and very few people. i could tell it made her feel very good inside.
she got a few boxes of candy for her birthday and every time she takes some out i know she pours a handful of it in kiki's hand, even if i'm far off and not even paying attention, she is more generous then i would ever ask of her.
Friday, October 21, 2011
girls night
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
quick stories
at the store i told halle to think of something she wanted for me to make for dinner this week. halle describes the perfect dinner, enough to make me drool.....chicken , stuffing, mashed potatoes, and GRAVY (last thanksgiving was the first and last time halle had gravy and she fell in love, to put it mildly, she was drinking it like it was soup, saying whats this called again. oh, gravy, i love it soooo much) i buy all the ingreidents, she holds the gravy packets the whole time at the store and in the car.....we make the dinner, it takes like an hour, when its all ready i say, what do you want on your plate..."just gravy, in a bowl"....i explain why you can't just eat gravy. ok, so she eats it on mashed potatoes and asks for more gravy a couple times....kiera just had chicken, dipped in bbq i had to ask, "halle, why did you pick this dinner and then not even really eat it." halle, "i really just wanted the gravy and i don't really even like stuffing, but wanted to shove it up the chicken's butt"...yeah, thats a quote.....
a few days ago i switched all the girls' summer clothes out for their winter stuff. kiera looked through the boxes of hand me downs and took all the size 4 shirts and most of the size 5 stuff, so in the end, her drawers were full. this morning they went to get dressed and i hear kiki crying in her room saying she has nothing to wear. i keep saying, just find something, i know you have clothes, but she keeps on crying. i go in to see what the problem was. "kiki, you have tons of clothes, what are you talking about?" kiki says, "i can't wear this stuff, i need dresses!" i go get her a fancy winter church dress to wear today. but i don't really have winter play dresses, the way i have little summer play dresses that she wore everyday since spring. so i look at tom and say, you know what i'm going to end up doing for her.....pulling back out her summer dresses and letting her wear them with leggings and shirts underneath.....i can't stand the thought of her not feeling feminine and like a beauty queen everyday, so, thats exactly what i did, and she was sooo happy to have all her summer dresses back......and while out walking pepper this evening, a random neighbor said to me, don't you think its too cold out for her to be wearing that?......well, since i went through this dresses only phase with halle, i know i am going to be hearing that ALOT this winter!
mexican resturant
i put out chips and salsa for the kids with their dinner. they were so happy that it was like a mexican returant. everything is funner with the mays! halle had to get out a paper pad to take orders and helped me get everyone's plate just how they wanted it and handed them out. halle loves anything pretend!
today is halle's birthday! she is 6. in my head that number means they go from toddler to child. she is defenitly not a toddler anymore. she is so helpful and sweet i couldn't imagine not being able to spend all day with her.
tom didn't have to go to work till 4 today so it worked out perfect that he got to spend the day with us. we got up early and went to IHOP, halle's favorite resturant...i was a little dissappointed about her selection, not my favorite place, but oh well, they got their free balloons, so it made it all worth it. then, in tradition, we went to the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins. then i saw they were tripple the price of the grocery store and said for them each to pick out a "baby" pumpkin. they were happy to get a little baby and then we went to to the store to get some big mamas. then we took halle to the shoe store where we got her heels last year for xmas to pick out new heels since she grew out of the xmas ones. then we came home and carved the pumpkins, cooked the seeds, made cinnamon rolls and had them for lunch along with the seeds. then we watched annie, one of halle's favorite movies. tom asked if this was what it was like to be a stay home at mom. i said, yeah, its awesome, isn't it? he said yeah. and was really jealous. it was a good day, everyday is pretty good though....then we did an hour of school work till the boys got home form school. then played with them the rest of the day.
halle had a very happy birthday! pictures from her party are coming!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
doggie tricks
lynn did doggy tricks with the kids. tell them to do something, sit, shake, and give them a dog bone shaped cookie! it was so cute! the kids loved it!
weird face
i guess when your sooo happy , your face can actually start to look like its in pain.....
check out the sparklers on the cake!
lynn made the cake, it was amazing! kiki loved it and loved this moment of being the center of attention!!!
what would a pet party be without our pepper. everyone took their turns torturing pepper and lily of course took the longest most torturing turn!
look at this girl!
she is so stinkin' cute! i can't believe she is 4. i'm glad she still acts like my baby!
party pics
celebrating birthday's with the may's has made this a year we'll never forget! check out those cat ears. its amazing what you can do with felt and hot glue!
littlest pet shop!
kiki had a great party. i'm glad she picked littlest pet shop. so cute to play all animal games!
4 years old!
shreya gave her that shirt for her bday. kiki of course had to rip off the shirt she had on and put this on!
kiki's birthday
we did the fishing pole game. for prizes. all animal related go with the pet shop theme. notice the animal ears
first day
first day going to the park! you can see how excited all the kid were!!! thats our hotel in the background and the boat taking us to the park! if you stay at universal's hotels you get fast passes for all the rides. we really made the most of our trip not having to wait in any lines. it was awesome! only the best for our hero, jeff!
lucy missed her daddy
lucy was so excited to have her daddy with us!
kiki's hair........yikes
i was trying to lean out of the i just look odd.
on the boat ride to universal!
kiki's birthday
universal studios
this is adam's birthday. he got the costume that morning. of course, everyone at the park called him harry, someone even asked if they could take a picture with him. thrilling!!! he really does look the park and act it!
universal studios with the may family was amazing! in march we took the boys with us, so they had fun telling their dad what they had done before!
they sell those hair wraps at the park for $3 an inch. i did them for the girls before we left. they were so cute!
it was a very hot trip, we wore our bathing suits and cover ups the whole time and stoped at the water areas to keep cool! the curious george water area is sooo fun!
more from sea world....
this is a good picture of kiki's hair in its natural state. a big ratty mess. this is why when she asked me to cut it a couple months ago, i nearly got emotional. finally the day had arrived when i would never have to deal with her rats nests again! pictures to come, its so cute in a bob!
summer of fun
we had the best summer. oh course the highlight was jeff being home. this is our trip to sea world! the kids had the best time! we had to go in aug. though and it was sooo hot.
while jeff was here we took a trip to the beach. off of tampa. it was awesome. got a hotel so close to the beach! we had the best time.
go karts
tom loved having jeff around before he left and for the couple weeks he was here. another adult sized kid. i wish he could have been here this year!
the biggest kids
tom and jeff both had to get the unlimited wristbands at johnny Gs. they did the go karts about 20 times taking turns with all the kids, till they were sick and couldn't do it anymore.
this is way back from when jeff got to come home for a couple weeks. of course we went to our favorite fun center, johnny G's. the girls love to dance on the random table that is there. i love how they have taught lucy to pose this year.
Monday, October 17, 2011
interview with kiki
what is your fav food: pizza
what do you want to be when you grow up: a rock star
what is your favorite movie: snow white
what is your favorite book: tom thumb
who is your best friend: lucy
what makes you happy: you (meaning me, of course!)
what makes you sad: when lily hit me.
what if your favorite animal: pepper
what is your favorite song: everybody dance now
favorite vacation: going to UT
what are you excite about: going to grandma's house
favorite thing to do: "play with you"
what are you good at: doing school
interview with halle:
favorite food: ice cream
favorite song: on top of old smokey (the crude, i shot my poor teacher version)
what are you good at: playing nice
best friend: "you" (me again!
what makes you sad: when anybody's being mean to me
what makes you happy: "you" (best mom ever, i guess)
favorite vacation: universal studios
favorite book: blame game, berstein bears
favorite movie: annie
favorite thing to do: play with pepper, can we please stop. (typical halle and her 2 min attention span)