Friday, October 21, 2011

girls night

DSC01932, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

can't remember if i ever posted pics from the last couple girls pj parties we've had. they have been tons of fun. the girls are begging for another one, so i'm sure i'll do it soon. check out the makeup on the girls!!!

sweet things i saw halle do this week:
when i was cutting kiki's hair she picked some hair off the ground and put it in a little jewelry box on kiki's shelf and showed kiki later how she saved some of her hair.
while the girls were sitting in the bath, while it was filling, kiki was sitting furthest from the faucet and was sooo cold. halle was filling a bucket with the warm faucet water and dumping it on her legs over and over, saying, i'll warm you up, i'll warm you up.
at the neighborhood yardsale, the day after halle's bd party where she had gotten some money. she told kiki , lucy and lily to pick something out at the neighbor's sale that they wanted and she would buy it for them, which she did.

she got two sets of earrings in her grandma's bd package. without even a hesitation, she told kiki, you can have a pair. i told her that was something only Jesus would do and very few people. i could tell it made her feel very good inside.

she got a few boxes of candy for her birthday and every time she takes some out i know she pours a handful of it in kiki's hand, even if i'm far off and not even paying attention, she is more generous then i would ever ask of her.

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