Monday, October 17, 2011


saw on a friends blog. so i copied.

interview with kiki

what is your fav food: pizza
what do you want to be when you grow up: a rock star
what is your favorite movie: snow white
what is your favorite book: tom thumb
who is your best friend: lucy
what makes you happy: you (meaning me, of course!)
what makes you sad: when lily hit me.
what if your favorite animal: pepper
what is your favorite song: everybody dance now
favorite vacation: going to UT
what are you excite about: going to grandma's house
favorite thing to do: "play with you"
what are you good at: doing school

interview with halle:

favorite food: ice cream
favorite song: on top of old smokey (the crude, i shot my poor teacher version)
what are you good at: playing nice
best friend: "you" (me again!
what makes you sad: when anybody's being mean to me
what makes you happy: "you" (best mom ever, i guess)
favorite vacation: universal studios
favorite book: blame game, berstein bears
favorite movie: annie
favorite thing to do: play with pepper, can we please stop. (typical halle and her 2 min attention span)

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