Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Cutie pie updates!
kiera loves her naptime and bedtime stories, she can lift flaps and turn pages. she is a lot of fun!
Recently I bought a huge lot , like 200, religious pictures, with the stories on the back (stories of Jesus and other scripture stories) Halle loves to pull different pictures out and have me tell her the story. It has been really fun to see her learning them. I thought this was something funny that happened the other day. I showed her the picture of Jesus on the cross, I told her that people put him on the cross and he died. Halle said, "The people took his clothes". I said , yeah, they did. then i showed her the picture of Jesus resurrected standing outside the tomb. I said, "when he died, they put his body in a tomb and after 3 days, what happened?" Halle, "He got his clothes back". Ok, so "resurrected" may be a bit over her head. But a few days later, she was coloring and drew a cross and said, "Jesus was on a cross and he died", so hopefully she will remember some peices of the stories.
Another cute thing halle said the other day, "mom, lets pretend that i'm mary, and this (baby doll in her arms) is baby Jesus, and you are Joseph"
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Good times with Grandma!
pony ride!
me and the girls!
i know your judging keekee's hair, but I have to let it grow out, as messy as the process has gotten. it is getting really thick and soon she will be the envy of all the girls, especially me and halle!
Halle was totally in love with her baby at grandma's house, she took it everywhere! she said, "mommy, i have a baby and you have baby keekee. We are both mommies!" Halle has also started saying that she has a baby brother in her belly. she understands what pregnant looks like now. so begins the embarrassing moments of asking me if fat people are pregnant loud enough so they can hear!
halle feeding baby wallies
halle made sure her baby enjoyed the chinese buffet as much as she did, yum, it looks like the baby is eating shrimp!
pig out !
keekee knows good food! she ate that nasty baby cereal one day, then i gave her baby food and she refused baby cereal, one week of baby food and now all she eats is table food. she saw my mom pull a pizza out of the oven and spit her passy out and started fussing for it, then she ate an entire slice of pizza!! she loves scrambled eggs, pizza, cheese, bread and meat! oh and of course chinese noodles (thats the Lopez in her)
kiera's leg
kiera learned to crawl the day before we left for utah, within a few days she could crawl so fast all around the condo, she burned carpet burns on her legs and feet, they look so bad and the burns on her feets actually scabbed slightly (still refused socks). now she is calloused and follows halle around like a puppy dog, sometimes halle loves it and other times halle is totally annoyed by it. i had to teach halle to say "mommy, come and get her" when kiera is ruining something halle is doing.
kiera has such a cute personality, she is demanding and head strong like halle. she refuses to nurse outside of her room and even went 12 hours without nursing on a trip to atlanta a couple months ago. she had a rough start at my moms house, but was able to warm up and nurse in her new room there. she fights sleep at all costs, and will cry if you even go in her room when she is not sleepy. she loves to swat at halle to knock her passy out, they both think its sooo funny. she pulls at the rails on halle's bed and screams so you will put her bed with halle. she loves to be read to. she loves to do whatever halle is doing. she cruises all over the furniture. she forces you to share food with her. she screams if halle takes a toy away from her and will knock her sippy cup out of your hand if you offer it to her when she is not thirsty. she crawls on her hands and feet in the grass to avoid her knees hitting the ground, and she looks like an animal. she is really sweet and loves to kiss and giggle. she loves to be chased around the living room.
so cute!
the anderson boys were sooo sweet to kiera!! they are ready for their new addition to the family!!
silly kids!
kiera fussed and threw her body towards whatever the kids were doing. she does not ever want to miss the action.
this picture looks natural, but the only way we actually got them to look at the camera and smile was bribbing them with candy!
halle can dance for an hour if you put on music. we got her some real ballets on dvd at the library and she loved to dance along with them. she got trevor into it for a couple minutes, "look, Trevor is a prince!" but that was about it for him. Halle really needs a girl cousin in Utah!
ok, so i have to brag for a minute about halle, but she is soooo good at coloring, look how well she stayed in the lines for these kites. she loves to color blank paper the most, and her favorite thing to do is paint. "my paintings come from here (and she pats her heart)" (thxs to barbie repunzile)
she is soo freindly, every one she meets now she says, hi, whats your name. and then my name is halle, this is my baby sister keekee bear, and this is my mom, lori and my dads name is tom. she asked the lady on the plane whats your sisters name, she said, i dont' have a sister and halle said, yeah , you do, that lady next to you. halle loves to assume that two girls together are sisters and even asked me if the two horses pulling the wagon at the park were sisters.
cherry blossom festival!
halle and tom made this box at the cherry blossom festival. halle insisted on carrying it around the park, but could hardly walk and carry it, so tom ending up carrying halle so she could carry the box. will there ever come a day where we say no to her? oh, life with a princess, so many rules, they are always in charge and you must be at there beck and call at all times. halle even made aidan carry her baby around the bounce house because she couldn't carry it and climb as well as he could. my mom said, "we are all her servants". its all worth it to us, we have the happiest, sweetest little girl! she is so polite, usually says please and often spontaneously thanks me for chores (fixing lunch or getting her milk). she also started spontaneously coming up to me and saying, "i love you sooo much"!
we thought a second child would be more laid back like tom, kiera is defenitly a happy baby, but she is also a princess in training just like halle!
thxs lynn!
lynn bought this for her little lucy, but just imagining how cute kiera would look in it, compelled her to mail it to us. here's the picture to prove it, it is really cute!! thanks lynn!
easter eggs!
look at kiera, always ready for her picture to be taken! she just sees the camera and is smiling!
seriously, who eats peeps, gross! i told tom when he went shopping, halle really only likes chocolate, but there were still peeps in her easter basket, i wonder who those were really for!
the girls had such a fun visit with grandma and grandpa garrett visiting over easter weekend!! thanks for all the fun memories!!