Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cutie pie updates!

Kiera can wave now, its really cute. she thinks tom is halarious. she lets me do her hair now thanks to the ouchless rubber bands. She is totally obsessed with Halle. every where she goes, kiera is close behind, every thing halle touches , kiera is grabing at, everything halle builds, kiera destroys. Sometimes Halle loves leading Kiera under the table or into the bathroom or over to the neighbor's backyard. Other times, kiera is sooo annoying to Halle. Halle love to create scenes (barbies having a picnic or babies lined up in bed, ect) and I try to keep kiera from messing them up. between me and Halle , kiera has learned what no means and will stop, but forgets a minute later and returns to destruction. she has to literally be touching Halle at all times, even crawing onto her lap when halle is watching tv. While putting halle to sleep, (reading stories) Kiera stands at the side of the bed grunting and trying to pull herself onto the bed. Halle loves to say, please, mom, put her in bed with me, knowing that I think its cute/irresistable and knowing that it will put off bedtime a few more minutes. Just the sight of Halle makes Kiera giggle. Halle can make Kiera laugh the hardest. I think they will make great freinds!
kiera loves her naptime and bedtime stories, she can lift flaps and turn pages. she is a lot of fun!

Recently I bought a huge lot , like 200, religious pictures, with the stories on the back (stories of Jesus and other scripture stories) Halle loves to pull different pictures out and have me tell her the story. It has been really fun to see her learning them. I thought this was something funny that happened the other day. I showed her the picture of Jesus on the cross, I told her that people put him on the cross and he died. Halle said, "The people took his clothes". I said , yeah, they did. then i showed her the picture of Jesus resurrected standing outside the tomb. I said, "when he died, they put his body in a tomb and after 3 days, what happened?" Halle, "He got his clothes back". Ok, so "resurrected" may be a bit over her head. But a few days later, she was coloring and drew a cross and said, "Jesus was on a cross and he died", so hopefully she will remember some peices of the stories.
Another cute thing halle said the other day, "mom, lets pretend that i'm mary, and this (baby doll in her arms) is baby Jesus, and you are Joseph"

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