Wednesday, April 23, 2008

kiera's leg

DSC04164, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

kiera learned to crawl the day before we left for utah, within a few days she could crawl so fast all around the condo, she burned carpet burns on her legs and feet, they look so bad and the burns on her feets actually scabbed slightly (still refused socks). now she is calloused and follows halle around like a puppy dog, sometimes halle loves it and other times halle is totally annoyed by it. i had to teach halle to say "mommy, come and get her" when kiera is ruining something halle is doing.

kiera has such a cute personality, she is demanding and head strong like halle. she refuses to nurse outside of her room and even went 12 hours without nursing on a trip to atlanta a couple months ago. she had a rough start at my moms house, but was able to warm up and nurse in her new room there. she fights sleep at all costs, and will cry if you even go in her room when she is not sleepy. she loves to swat at halle to knock her passy out, they both think its sooo funny. she pulls at the rails on halle's bed and screams so you will put her bed with halle. she loves to be read to. she loves to do whatever halle is doing. she cruises all over the furniture. she forces you to share food with her. she screams if halle takes a toy away from her and will knock her sippy cup out of your hand if you offer it to her when she is not thirsty. she crawls on her hands and feet in the grass to avoid her knees hitting the ground, and she looks like an animal. she is really sweet and loves to kiss and giggle. she loves to be chased around the living room.

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