Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Updates on Us!
*Kiera got her 7th tooth this week and since they've been coming in pairs, i'm sure the 8th will be in soon.
*Kiera has long given up crawling and can walk really fast. she has gotten more fearless in the pool, she loves to walk really deep into the water and then if she falls, i quickly pull her out, but she doesn't cry and smiles. In the kids play area, there are these giant unbrellas with water pouring down, kiera loves to walk under them and let the water pour on her head. Watching her has finally made halle brave enough to go under them.
*Halle has taught or just shown kiera a lot of things and Kiera has caught on quickly, these are a few examples: If kiera picks up a tiera, hat or head band, she puts in on her head. She can put on sunglasses and thinks shes halarious. if she finds a brush or comb she tries to brush her hair. if you put a pillow on the floor she lays her head on it. if she sees halle's dora doll on the floor and we say, give her a hug, she lays her head on it. if tom goes in a room and shuts the door, she bangs on it and cries till he lets her in.
*Halle loves her makeup and will also put lipstick on kiera
*We left the girls with a sitter yestarday (kiera's first time). I put kiera's supplies, diaper, passy, ect, in one of halle's purses and told her what was in it. peggy said halle was very possessive of the purse. I told halle if kiera poops, tell peggy there is a diaper in the purse so she can change her. Halle, "I will change her, mommy"
*we were joking with halle that me and tom were both going to work and she would have to stay home and take care of kiera. halle, "I will put sunblock on her and take her to the pool and then put her to bed"
*Halle was very tired on a drive home. halle, "mommy when we get home, i need my pajammas on and my milky" kiera started fussing. Halle, "When we get home, I get her, kiera, i get her"
*i was considering wearing my very casual (comfortable) sandles to church. halle sees me, "mom, those shoes don't match your dress." me, "oh, they don't" (i'm starting to consider the idea that halle has more fashion sense then me) halle, "those aren't even church shoes" (which they weren't.
*i wore pink shorts to sleep in. the next morning i told halle i needed to go get dressed. "no you don't , your already dressed" me, "i'm not wearing these shorts to the store". halle looks totally distressed and in a crying/dramatic voice, "why can't you wear pink, why can' t you pink, mommy!?!"
Sunday, July 20, 2008
pony tail!
even kiera is surprised that i actually got her hair in a pony tail. it looked so cute, for a few minutes, all right , a few seconds, i was glad i had the camera ready.
little princess
as much as halle likes to be accessorized, she still loves to be naked, or just in her underware. i guess her theory is why not combine comfort with beauty.
tom's new exercise
Originally uploaded by Our Little One
kiki playing peek a boo
Originally uploaded by Our Little One
halle loves to lay down in the bath tub and leave kiera a tiny place to play in.
the corn pit
Originally uploaded by Our Little One
halle the ballerina
Originally uploaded by Our Little One
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
.3 Joys:
*My family, I love my family, we have so much fun together and i love to make them happy...i almost put the girls as an obsession...i can not get enough of halle and kiki, everything about their little personalities and their little chunky bodies makes me happy.
*Naptime (for the girls , of course): i love getting my girls to nap at the same time, making myself lunch and kicking back to watch tv or work on one of my projects.
*talking, i love to talk, and by talking, i mean listening too. ok, lets be honest, i do love to talk about myself. i love talking on the phone to my fav 5 (you know who you are).
.3 Fears·
*someone close to me dying, i don't know what i would i don't like to think about it.
*one of my kids being hurt, getting a disease, kidnapped, molested, a result, i am paronoid about my kids safety, they are rarely out of my sight or reach...Halle's only been with a sitter a few times, longest time 2 hours, kiki, never.
*I'm still scared of the dark. It's a silly phobia that I guess never wore off from childhood. I probably should be embarrassed about it, but whatever...i hate the dark, i hate being out in the dark, i hate driving in the dark, i hate watching tv in the dark. i sleep with the hall light on when tom is home, if he is working during the night, i sleep with most of the lights in the house on, even my room.
.3 Goals·
*decorate my the one year mark for moving into this house is appoaching, i'm sad to admit that I still have not hung one thing on any of the walls in my house. all the walls are painted tan, by the builders, i am sooo sick of looking at tan walls. i have drawn sketches of most of the rooms in my house and picked out colors for the walls, i have just been busy, tired, and when we moved into this house, i had kiera less then a week took me months just to finish unpacking, but my goal is to make the house look lived in (besides just toys everywhere) by christmas.
*Be healthy- I have decided that I need to get healthy. This week, we have been walking , going to the playground, playing sports and being more active. Also, I have decided to eat healthier, too and no more naptime or late night binging.
*be more spiritual. always a goal of mine...pray more, read scriptures, be more Christlike, ect, ect.
.3 Current Obsessions/Collections·
*When brown sugar and butter come together, its like crack for me...i crave it and have withdrawl like symptoms, serious shakes and mood swings till i get it in me. there's a few places I like this combo best. Cookie dough, i love to make my self a little bowl of cookie dough at the end of the night and carmel popcorn. I also love anything with a crumble on top, coffee cake, sweet potato suffle, hmmm...i'm sure theres more, but i have to stop talking about it.
*My "projects": i love to have on going projects. I have tons and tons of projects that run through my head every day. i have a notebook where i write down my priority projects and i have boxes full of started projects. I love to think about them and i love to work on them. here are some of my recent ones, learn to sew, make halle curtains, make flannel board stories, laminate activities for halle, make halle's headboard, paint the vanity, make pillows for couch, hang pictures in loft, make halle tutus, and the list goes on.
* I love to shop at thrift stores and go to yard sales. I have been yard sale shopping almost every saturday I have lived in ga. I even went when kiera was 6 days old. It totally makes my day to find something really dirt cheap. I look up the yard sales online on friday night, then i map out my route and store the addresses into my gps navigator. I can only think of a few toys in my house right now that I bought new (well, tom bought). I have only bought the girls new clothes/shoes a few times in their lives. luckily the goodwill gets all of the target run off, so most of their clothes/shoes are still new. we have TONS of toys in our house because i can't resist cheap stuff!
.3 Random
*I love reality tv. survivor is me and tom's favorite show. I would love to be on survivor. we also like amazing race. I like design star, bachelor/bachelorette, and once again should be embarrassed to admit it, but I'm not...i have seen every season of America's next top model.
*I hate to shower, shave, or brush my teeth...ok, i know your thinking gross, but i didn't say i didn't do it, i just said, i don't like to.
*I thought cigarrettes were called smokers, jawbreaker candies were called chokers and Europe was spelled with a Y, up into adulthood.
ok, so I'll tag other people, Jen, Mom, Jenny T. , Barbara.
Forth of July Vacation!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
She's Walking!
Originally uploaded by Our Little One
she needs to get steady on her feet and i'm sure her and halle will be running around pretty soon!
speakin' southern
Celebrating Southern Style!!
kiera loves to tip over backwards in chairs. aren't we cute?
Georgia Gators, Watch out Halle!
Kiks going for a ride! she played on this for almost an hour!
redneck style ball pit: a pit full of dry corn kernals.
both the girls had a blast swimning in this.
Redneck bumper cars. Halle couldn't steer very well, in her car, and didn't want to wait in line, so tom would ask a boy if she could ride with them, of course they didn't care and halle loved the ride (and yes, even at a young age, boys are better drivers then girls, these boys were like 2-3 years old and were tearing this course up!)