Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Updates on Us!

We are leaving tomarrow for 10 days to Lynn's house! We are so excited!! I thought i'd make a post before we leave of a few updates.
*Kiera got her 7th tooth this week and since they've been coming in pairs, i'm sure the 8th will be in soon.
*Kiera has long given up crawling and can walk really fast. she has gotten more fearless in the pool, she loves to walk really deep into the water and then if she falls, i quickly pull her out, but she doesn't cry and smiles. In the kids play area, there are these giant unbrellas with water pouring down, kiera loves to walk under them and let the water pour on her head. Watching her has finally made halle brave enough to go under them.
*Halle has taught or just shown kiera a lot of things and Kiera has caught on quickly, these are a few examples: If kiera picks up a tiera, hat or head band, she puts in on her head. She can put on sunglasses and thinks shes halarious. if she finds a brush or comb she tries to brush her hair. if you put a pillow on the floor she lays her head on it. if she sees halle's dora doll on the floor and we say, give her a hug, she lays her head on it. if tom goes in a room and shuts the door, she bangs on it and cries till he lets her in.
*Halle loves her makeup and will also put lipstick on kiera
*We left the girls with a sitter yestarday (kiera's first time). I put kiera's supplies, diaper, passy, ect, in one of halle's purses and told her what was in it. peggy said halle was very possessive of the purse. I told halle if kiera poops, tell peggy there is a diaper in the purse so she can change her. Halle, "I will change her, mommy"
*we were joking with halle that me and tom were both going to work and she would have to stay home and take care of kiera. halle, "I will put sunblock on her and take her to the pool and then put her to bed"
*Halle was very tired on a drive home. halle, "mommy when we get home, i need my pajammas on and my milky" kiera started fussing. Halle, "When we get home, I get her, kiera, i get her"
*i was considering wearing my very casual (comfortable) sandles to church. halle sees me, "mom, those shoes don't match your dress." me, "oh, they don't" (i'm starting to consider the idea that halle has more fashion sense then me) halle, "those aren't even church shoes" (which they weren't.
*i wore pink shorts to sleep in. the next morning i told halle i needed to go get dressed. "no you don't , your already dressed" me, "i'm not wearing these shorts to the store". halle looks totally distressed and in a crying/dramatic voice, "why can't you wear pink, why can' t you pink, mommy!?!"


AZ Allreds said...

I wonder if my Ella will be correcting my fashion no-nos in the future. One day when we come out to see Sue in the future -- we'll be sure to get together and let our Princesses go to town!

Mike and Jen said...

Yes Lori why can't you wear pink?!?