Monday, November 16, 2009

crazy hair day!

DSC08727, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

a few times in the past week halle will whisper in tom's ear, "will you tell mommy she looks beautiful" and then he will and then she'll whisper in my ear, "will you tell daddy he looks handsome"
it's so cute and sweet..

in primary at church the teacher asked how do you serve your moms? halle raised her hand and said, "I clean the bathtub everyday"....that night when she was bathing she said "look, mom, this is how i clean the bath tub everyday" and she was putting soap on her wash cloth and standing up to clean the walls...

sunday, while i was putting kiera to sleep halle started cleaning like crazy, tom said she was moving a 100mph around the upstairs, which was a disaster...when i came out of the room she was standing by the door jumping up and down, squealing with excitment, she held my hand and had me close my eyes as she lead me to each room she had cleaned (picked up everything off the floor and put in all in one pile in the corner of each room, for me, that is cleaning up because for the most part, the upstairs did look clean) she had shoved stuff in drawers and in closets....even cleaned my was unexpected and totally made my day! i kept telling her how happy i was and grateful...she told me miss becky (her sunday school teacher) told her to do it...she was very proud of herself!

1 comment:

Mike and Jen said...

seriously the wigs are hilarious! I laughed so hard! I love those girls!