Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween week

we had a really fun halloween week...by the time halloween came we were exhausted!
Tuesday was dress up day for dance class, halle wore a ballet costume (usually they have to wear a plain leatard), she looked fancy and was soo excited to wear make up and sparkles on her face! On wednesday, we went to another church's fall festival....this is one of the biggest churches in town, so they go all out for their FREE fall festival! this is the third year in a row we've crashed it. they had pony rides, at least 5 different bounce houses, carnival games, train rides, hay rides, popcorn, hotdogs, cotten candy, boiled peanuts. we stayed for over 2 hours, but it got dark and with hundreds of people....way to crazy for me to watch the girls at...it was fun and we saw all our friends there!
on thursday my friend had her annual (3rd year now) Halloween party at her house...she got pizza and everyone brought food as well....yummy food and lots of fun. the kids love seeing their friends dressed up and she had some cute crafts for them to do!
On friday evening we went to a high school football game....it was fun, the girls liked the cheerleaders, but we still had to leave early because the week was tiring them out!
On saturday we crashed another church's fall festival, our neighbor invited us to her church's party! they had a few bounce houses, carnival games (that gave out tons of good candy:) hot dogs and funnel cakes....the funnel cake just made my halloween one of the best ever! after that we came home and trick or treated around our neighborhood, then all the neighbors met back at the clubhouse for a party!
we had a really fun halloween week!

cute sayings:
halle, "mom, when you were little , did you used to say, 'when i grow up i hope i have funny kids?' and now you have them?"
halle, "mommy , aren't you glad you have silly kids?"
halle, "daddy goes to work to get money for my money jar"
halle, "kiki, if you eat too much candy, you'll get sick and your teeth will rott"
kiki tries to change her voice to sound like a boy (like me and halle can do) but she just sounds weird and nasely, and pretends she is prince eric..."hi, i'm prince eric, how do you do?"
kiki will eat candy in front of you and say..."you want some?" and you say yeah. and she steps away from you eats it as fast as she can and then laughs in your face and says, "its all gone, its all gone!"
me, "halle, do you like to share?"
halle, "i don't like to share germs."

1 comment:

Heather said...

Funnel cakes make any activity awesome. I love them. It cracks me up that you guys crash church festivals. They have tons of them in KC, but every time I've thought about going, I always thinks, "Are they going to try to fellowship me and tell me that I need Jesus?" Kind of like what we do every time someone comes to one of our church activities :) Dang you guys have so much fun! The South ain't so bad after all, huh?