Monday, November 16, 2009

updates for the past couple weeks...

-i caught a small tree frog on the side of the house....the girls and me are sooo excited....i let them reach there hand in and pet him....we went to the petstore and bought crickets a few times for him....a got cheap and started catching flies in a cup and puting them in the cage...we have yet to see him eat anything, despite spending long stretches of the day watching and waiting....annoying, but still fun to have a pet!

-one day we were sitting around brainstorming names for the frog, halle was coming up with the weirdest names that we would never remember and kept saying no to everything me and tom said, finally kiki spoke up and said, "i wanna name the frog, Bessy"....we all looked at each other surprised that kiki had actually come up with a decent name....halle actually liked it for a while , but its still trying to come up with a name of her own

-kiki is totally obbsessed with puzzles...halle never liked them, so this is fun to see kiera have a hobby all of her own (although her obsession with them has gotten halle interested and its become a very fun family activity)....i have about 10 boxes of 25 peices puzzles...kiki just dumps the box, does the puzzle, shouts out "i did it!!" and then "i do it again" , breaks it up and does it again....she can do this for a LONG time, like 30 minutes at a time gets up plays and does it some more....if you try to help she says, "don't do it, i do it myself" and if you put in a peice for her, you get a really dirty look.....her attention span is WAY longer then halle's was a 2, she can also color for a long time...its great that both the girls have about the same attention span...we can do some fun , crafts, puzzles, games, ect....

-halle loves to ask people, even random people at stores < "would like me to do a dance for you".....and she asked the mom at another child's birthday party if she could do a dance at the party and when we had a family over for dinner on sunday, she danced for the whole makes me happy that she is so confident....she doesn't like to sing at church, i think its because she doesn't feel really confident about knowing all the words...but dancing, she is pretty good at it and she knows it and she will dance anywhere , anytime (and it helps that about half the time , she is wearing one of her leatards)

-halle is working really hard to cartwheel...she is doing pretty good at trying, her tumbling teacher said she will be able to do it pretty soon.

-kiki is a pro at riding her bike...i took some video of it, the bike is so tiny, it looks like a circus monkey's bike and she looks like a little monkey on it....the girls ride at least a couple hours a day on their bikes either in teh backyard or up in the parking lot at the we had about 10 friends join us up at the playground to ride, it was a lot of fun.

-today we got the flu vaccinations....the girls love to play doctor, so they were so excited about getting shots, they LOVED watching me get mine first and then they both watched themselves get shots...they didn't even flinch, these are some pretty tough girls

-i think halle has pretty good social skills for her age. she loves to introduce herself to people, ask people their names and give compliments.... kiera mimics everything halle does , so the other day at the playground a group of older girls were out there, kiki went up to one and said, "whats your name?" she answered....kiki said, "my name is kiki"...and then, "i wove (love) your tinkerbell shirt!" was so cute!

-for the past few weeks, halle introduces herself to everyone as isabella and kiki as abigail.....halle told me she loves those names and decided to change their names.... luckily , i love those names too (i actually wanted to name kiki , abigail, but tom said no) when she introduces herself to strangers, i don't even bother to correct her....strangers almost always say, those are very pretty names, which totaly makes halle's day!

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