Friday, April 30, 2010

poor wesley

DSC08078, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

wesley couldn't even move in all his snow gear and then he was put on the sleigh to be dragged around by the kids. when he fell over, he was like a helpless turtle on his back. poor wesley!

me, "halle, why did God make mothers?"
halle, "because if you didn't have a mother you would be sad"

me, "halle, why did God send you to me to be your mother?"
halle, "because you're the nicest mother in the world."

of course, then , just to make me even happier, i asked her what made me nice and she said, "because you play with us all day"

me, "halle, what are three things that make you happy?"
halle, "eating outside. when you play with me. and when daddy lets us jump on him."
me, "what are three things that make you sad?"
halle, "when we eat inside. when you dont' play with me and when daddy doesn't let us jumpn on him"

halle's quote of the day,
"mama, kiki got hello kitty earrings today, i saw a hello kitty shirt, and now i see a hello kitty water bottle. I think hello kitty is taking over the world!"

i asked if she would rather have her passy or her ear's peirced. she got so excited and said, "my ear's peirced!!!". so she happily gathered up all her passys and gave them to me. slept through the night and this morning we went and got her ears peirced. she was soooo happy. they look so cute. she picked out hello kitty earrings. i'll post pictures soon.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

LOVE all your blog posts and pictures!! Aidan has started saying in his prayers, "please let the days go by fast so Halle and Kiki can come visit again!" Miss you guys so much! Had a BLAST with you here! Halle and Kiki are the most darling girls ever!! Can't wait to see them again in a few weeks!!!