Sunday, April 11, 2010

Trip to Utah!

DSC08076, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

i have a lot to blog about. we are having an amazing time in UT (even though we miss Tom) I wanted to post what we have done so far so i don't forget any of it!
Left on tuesday morning, even with a 4 hour layover, the girls were angels the whole day!
Wednesday: went to the Discovery children's museum, highlight: water table, mini store and building with magnets!
Thursday: go see Melanie and family! the kids were so excited to play in the snow together.
Friday: BYU animal museum. kids loved running around! More playing in the snow in the afternoon! get together with college friends for dinner!!!
Saturday: went to easter egg hunt. still snowing!! the girls love snow! at least 500 kids in the easter egg hunt. kiki only picks up pink eggs, silly girl!!! Bill comes for dinner! kiki makes him hold her the whole day! halle is so happy to see him too!!
Sunday: stay with melanie, kids play all day, more playing in the snow!
Monday: go to bounce house with melanie, drive home.
tuesday: go to indoor pool!!! soooo fun!!!
Wednesday: get together with college bff, jen and her girls! play at the rec center and then playland!!!
Thursday: lounge around, girls have colds :(
Friday: get halle's hair cut at her request...if ever i wondered if she could fall more in love with herself....she has!!! go mini golfing with mel and boys. boys like it, girls throw rocks in pond!
Saturday: ride the frontrunner train to ogden, go to the train museum, picnic lunch and play on real trains!!!!
Sunday: kiki home sick from church, halle thrilled to get to go to church with grandma, so excited to have the welcome song sung to her in primary!!! dinner, i make everyone my delic lasgna, bill comes and mel and kids!!!
hopefully kiki gets better soon so we can have some more fun next week!!!! the weather is finally getting nice!!!


Boyd Box said...

It's seriously crazy to read about you playing in the snow. It's hot! What are you doing? No, really, I'm glad you guys are having a great trip. Tell Kiki I said to get better fast!

Heather said...

Are you exhausted yet!?! What a fun trip. But holy moly you guys have packed a lot in!

Susan said...

You really have packed a lot in! Sounds fun. We miss you here. :)