Friday, November 4, 2011


halloween, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

halloween weekend started on friday with free pumpkin pancakes for kids at IHOP. we went with lynn, ally's family and another family from church. you did not have to dress up, but since the girls slept in their costumes, of course we all ended up dressed up. it was great because after we needed to run to walmart , lynn went off with all the kids and being by myself in costume, i had hopes of ending up on the people of

after school, all the kids got dressed up and we went to stevie B's pizza, kids eat for a dollar if they are dressed up. and then we went straight to a fall festival at the park. it was so fun, bounce houses , carnival games, and even a haunted hayride that had james and adam on the floor of the hayride curled up in fetal postition.
on saturday, tom watched all the kids so me and lynn could go yardsale shopping. we got lots of cool stuff for the kids for xmas.
that evening we all got dressed up again for the church fall festival.

on monday, we made a haunted dinner and had some friends come over. i took some cute pictures..mummy dogs, cauliflower brains, monster bread, rat meatloaf and develed egg eye balls. kiki was so grossed out, she could not bring herself to eat anything but mummy dogs. then we went trick or treating. we live in a great neighborhood for trick or treating. everyone goes at the same time and its in the middle of nothing so their's no cars in the streets. the kids were so excited running from house to house. kiki kept telling me the whole time how much she loved this holiday. second only to xmas. then back to the club house for a party, back home to make some candy trades between the kids and off to bed.
it was a fun night and a dream come true to spend it with the mays. last year at this time, i was thinking , "next year, we'll be with the mays"......everything is funner with cousins!

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