Thursday, November 17, 2011

primary program!

DSC02499, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

last sunday was the primary program for church. the kids got to do all the speaking and singing for the church meeting. pretty much the best sunday of the year! this was kiki's first year to be in it. she (and halle, of course) were soooo excited to get to talk into the microphone in front of everyone! we practiced their parts till they memorized them. i need to get a video of it because it was just so cute.
kiki got to go first, she did a scripture from the book of mormon:
2nd Nephi, chapter firty (30) - two, verse free (3) says, feast upon the words of Christ, for behold ...will tell you all things that ye should do.
she left a couple words out, but was so proud of herself!

halle's part:
i know the scriptures are true, and in the scriptures we learn that God commanded his people to build temples. the pioneers worked hard and sacrificed to build temples. there are now 135 operating temples and 11 under construction.

halle felt really good about herself for memorizing that and has been wanting to memorize poems and stuff ever since.

i planned a treasure hunt for the kids to do for sharing time after the program. the treasure was a big box of candy! then we stuck feathers taped to tooth picks in a pumpkin with a turkey head. came out cute and all the kids had to say something they were thankful for.

1 comment:

Ask Usha said...