Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Lucy Rose
Halle really had a great time with her Aunt Kelly at Disney world. In her honor, halle decided to name one of her barbies Kelly. This is a pretty rare occassion since all the blond, average looking barbies are just called Barbie. very few have been named and only the "unique" ones. Let's see , there's Carly, the black one, Tatiana, the one that blinks, yeah, you heard me right, we have a barbie that blinks and yes, it is creepy, Mulan, the asian, not one of Halle's most original names, and now, Kelly, the barbie with freckles.
another note about barbies; Halle has a few barbies that she plays with in the bath. We leave them in the bath since it takes so long for their hair to dry. After returning from our trip, I was giving the girls a bath and noticed one of the barbies looked as though she had black roots. "surely, i thought, barbie is way to classy to let her roots get black". I picked her up and her whole head was covered in mold!
Halle one liners:
Kiera was fussing for one of Halle's crackers. Halle said, "don't freak out kiera, I'll give you one"
Tom told Halle that he was a "superman prince" (whatever that means). Halle laughed and said, "your freaking out, dad"
Halle sitting next to the lap top, "mom, can you open up the laptop so i can check my email"
Gas is sooo expensive. I am left to evaluate if everything I do is worth the money in gas. I'm so cheap that some activities have gotten scratched. Storytime at the close library, a couple bucks, worth it. At the library further away, a few bucks, not worth it. a playdate is schedualed for thursday at the animal park 30 min away, hmmm...at least 10 bucks, probably won't go. peggy made me feel like a real cheapskate tonight, maybe I am. anyone else doing this or am i a cheapskate? Luckily our neighborhood pool opened this weekend, we'll probably be going everyday, and we'll walk!
Friday, May 23, 2008
itsy bitsy spider
Originally uploaded by Our Little One
notice how loud the resturant is, i loved all the kid freindly resturants at disney world, pure chaos, halle always found some little girls to dance around the resturant with! kiera, who can now out eat halle, was content to pig out on some really good food!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Disney World!!
Our family took our first trip to Disney World last week. We were there from tuesday till monday night. The girls had a blast! Halle loved meeting the princesses and going on the rides. Her and keekee were so worn out everyday, Halle would ask to go back to the hotel so they could nap (3 hours everyday!) Halle loved the teacup ride and magic carpt ride the best. We also saw 3 live shows at Hollywood studio, little mermaid, mickey mouse, and beauty and the beast, which Halle was so thrilled about! Me and Tom took turns going on the rides Halle couldn't go on. Tom's mom and sister joined us for a few days we were there, and the girls loved spending time with them. We had dinner at Cinderella's Royal table (pictures from this night were taken on a different camera, but i can't wait to post them!) Halle got her picture taken with Cinderella and of course, wore her own Cinderella dress. We also had breakfast with the LIttle Eiensteins and Jojo the clown. On our last day we had Lunch at Epcot with Belle, Aurora, Alice, Mary poppins, ect. Halle was in Heaven meeting all her idols. She especially loved meeting all the other little girls her age that were just like her , little princesses. Kiera loved being outdoors with all the action around her (of course, she made us hold her for most of the day, it was hard for her to stay in the stroller very long). (we are looking forward to another trip someday without a crawling baby!) Everything was so fun for Halle, even the tram that took us from the gate to our parked car was like a ride for Halle and she would put her hands in the air and scream. Our last night was the only night Halle wasn't completly exhausted and so we stayed for the parade and fireworks. What a fun week! I loved spending time with family and watching my cute girls have the time of their lives!
Mother's Day Tornado

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tribute to my mom!
Especially to my mom. She is the greatest mom and the best example I have to follow. Mom taught me a few things about motherhood worth mentioning. Kids are only little once, so enjoy them. Enjoy them at each stage. mom had fun with us, she really played with us and understood that that making us happy and helping us feel good about ourselves was what we would remember, never to place the less important things in life, like housework, ahead of that. We do remember that, mom, and you have been all of our best freinds since the time we were little to now! Your good for a laugh, your good for a cry, your great for advice (always unsolicitated, of course, but what we do without it?). One of your famous sayings that I remember everyday, "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" (i think your cooking apron said this). It sounds funny, but I remember it because its true. A mother is in charge of the entire families happiness. That's a big responsibility, mom, but you did it, you were always happy and fun and because of that so were we!! It's an example I try to follow in my family! So I could go on and on forever about my mom! shes amazing and all I ever do to show appreciation is tease her relentlessly :) there are things that i do with my girls , that i know you did with us, even though i can't remember being that small and there are things I can't wait to do with my girls that i remember you doing with us. cooking in the kitchen, making pizza, cookies, egg roll, planning parties for my classes, reading, coloring, barbies, hair cuts, salt dough villages, xmas ornaments, swiming, rollerskating, sleepover parties, pool parties, gardening (sort of) , taking care of pets, picnics, camp outs, grand canyon trips, temple trips, family home evening, ect. as a mom now, i realize the sacrifices moms make for their kids, how much kids take and take and drive you crazy sometimes, but you keep going, thanks, mom! The most important thing you taught us, mom, is that a family must be built on values, love, respect, principles, and faith. You taught us why we are here, that God has a plan for us, that we are children of God and have inherent worth because of that. You shared your testimony of Jesus Christ with us and helped us develop our own. You taught us the scripture stories. You taught us how to be happy, taught us that families are forever and the relationships among family members are to be valued above all else, you taught us how to follow Christ's example so that we could return to Him again someday. You left your children a path to follow that we will pass on to our children. Mom, thanks for everything, we love you!!
"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." (2nep 25:26)
(here's hoping that this tribute to you makes up for my impersonal mother's day gift card!)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
halle stories
Hi, whats your name?
My name is Halle, this is Lori, and this is keekee bear.
you know when my birthday is? its in October, you know when mommy's birthday is, its in March, you know when daddy's birthday is? its in January. you know when keekees birthday is? Mom, when's keekee's birthday (me: august). its in august (for some reason it is taking longer to remember keekee's birthday).
most people think its cute and are really sweet to her.
Halle told tom the other day, "my name is Lori" and pointed to me and said, "thats Halle". then she was hysterical. she likes to mix things up a lot and thinks she is so funny. she'll point to me and tom and say the opposite "your daddy and your mommy". she has a variety of different things she's come up with and thinks she is so halarious!
Halle told me, "daddies go to work". just to joke around with her, i said, "mommy is going to start going to work" , she laughed and said, "no, mommies do not go to work, mommies stay home, and just go to play mah jong".
Halle said, "mommy , i need to go to the airport to go see grandma, she misses me"
Halle's friend pushed her and she said, "that wasn't very polite"
Halle said, "mommy, isn't keekeee cute?"
we painted halle's room and now she tells me everyday, "I think keekee wants her room painted too"
yestarday i was really sick and halle was in the bath and handed me a bowl of water, "i made you some dinner to help you feel better"
over heard halle on my phone (not really talking to anyone) "hi, melanie. what are you doing? are you playing with trevor and aidan?"
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Ballerina Babies!
My Happy Girl!
We (including halle), call this her J-lo outfit! she loves it because she knows shes cute in it (a few compliments when she wore it to storytime gave her a big head). She wanted to wear it when the missionaries came for dinner. halle absolutly loves the missionaries! they give her tons of attention at church and come for dinner frequently. this last time, she was non-stop putting on a show for them, "you want to see me dance, want to see me jump...." then she sang , "i hope they call me on a mission" for them, which she tried so hard to learn, all day she kept asking me to sing it again, so she could learn it. then she wanted to put on her ballerina outfit for them, so she unzipped this j-lo outfit and patted her chest and said, "missionaries, this is my naked body, don't be scared". we were all lauging out loud! why would she say that? i don't have any idea where she got that, but it was funny!
summer is here and we are loving it! halle loves kiera's company and will love when she can play with her more. Kiera is more curious then Halle, i can tell already, so it will be fun to see what they will get into in the coming years. the other day, kiera and halle were in the kitchen out of my view, when i came over to them, kiera had opened the cabinets and had pulled out my bowls and some appliances, halle was standing there excited/shocked (halle would never considering doing something like that). i came over and said, oh, wow, whats going on? and halle just giggled and said, "kiera's cooking, mom, kiera's cooking!"
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Originally uploaded by Our Little One
"you sing me a song, you read me a book, you whisper you love me too. I wish every child in the whole wide world had a grandmother just like you!"