Friday, August 8, 2008

Our Trip!

My trip to Lynn's house was sooo much fun! The kids had a blast playing together. Here's the highlights, more on flickr, but this is a ton of pictures.

kiera was a magnet to lucy, where ever she was, kiera was running to her, and kiera can really run now. the louder you said NO, the faster she ran, and yes, kiera usually does run to anything I say No about, but she really was into Lucy. she loved to grab her face, finally we let her hold lucy and she was in heaven, so excited, video to come, it was cute!

"Scripture power!" lynn's boys love to dress like missionaries, they even do it on random days of the week and act out missionaries. they are so cute. they already know the scripture stories so well!
this was the sunday before i left, it was my last desperate attempt to get a picture of all the kids together, and smiling, at least i got them all in it.

this was at old macdonald farm, it was so fun. me and lynn were way more excited then the kids about the tame deer just walking around.

Lucy is so adorable. she is so good too, i had no idea babies could actually just be content and happy, especially in a stroller.

kiera would not be left out of any activity that the other kids were doing. luckily she has little fear so shes up for anything!

both of my girls adore lynn. lynn was totally taken with kiki. lynn is so much fun! kiki is easy to love, always has this big goofy smile on her face and she loves to give hugs.
the last time the boys saw halle was about a year and half ago, she was just a baby, they were sorta expecting that again. they were a little surprised and taken back about halle.
the kids loved to dance together. Halle called james, "sweetie" while we were there, he loved it. adam finally asked halle to call him sweetie too.
fearless kiera!

adam is the sweetest little boy. he loves to snuggle with his mom. he is also really cool, and likes to walk around with his hands in his pockets.
james is also a really cool kid. he will do great in kindergarden! His eyelashes make me jealous! he was sweet to kiki and a gentleman to halle.

james face in this picture cracked me up.

my girls adored Lucy, I was also trying to get a picture of halle's hair, Lynn did it so cute everyday, and halle sat so still for her and everyday halle had to tell me, "lynn does my hair soft , but you do it and it hurts.
Baby Lucy is soooo cute!
Kiera thinks everything she does is halarious! here she is putting on Jeff's tie
Wrestling and shooting (and all other boyish playing) was totally new for Halle, she loved it so much, she would say to the boys, "lets play that shooting game" . the boys really tired her out everyday. halle said to me (for the millionth time), "i really, really want a brother"

adam turned 4 while we were there, lynn threw a party for him. dispite the looks on the kids faces in this picture, they all had a great time!

i took these adoarable pictures of adam and kiki, adam was a good sport because after about 4 pics, he said, "lolo, i really don't want to hold her anymore'

1 comment:

Mike and Jen said...

Your girls are so dang cute! Lynn's boys are as well so I have decided that there must be something to having a Lopez baby so I am making my formal request at having a lopez baby!!!! PWEASE