Wednesday, January 7, 2009

more halle!

I am writing down the funny stuff halle says so i don't forget it.
in the bathroom at church i told halle to try to poop. she said, "mama, i don't want to get the church potties dirty!"
i told halle to put on a pair of pants and a shirt so we could go to the store, "mama, people will think i'm a boy if i wear that" (and she put on a dress)
halle said that kiera wasn't pretty today. i told her that wasn't nice. she said, well, she's wearing pants, she looks pretty in dresses. i said, do i look pretty today. halle said, "ummmm, you look handsome"
halle told her cousin over the phone, "i like things that are pretty and daddy likes things that are cool."
i told halle i need her help teaching kiera how to talk and learn her animals. at the pet store, halle thought it was hilarious to teach kiera the wrong animal noises for the pets we were looking at and of course, kiera does whatever halle does.


Mike and Jen said...

Seriously that kid and her dresses crack me up. You know whats going to be funny is when someone asks Kiera what a dog says and she says meow! hehe one for halle

Roulstone's said...

So you can finally view my blog now. Sorry it's taken me so long. I set it to private when the baby was born and it literally took me weeks to add anyone's e-mail addresses. I think you have to accept it or something...not sure. Anyway, the love is still there!

rayneberry said...


C.J. said...

Of course I remember you! We've all been looking for you forever, especially when we've tried to get together for seminary council parties. I'm glad you found us. Looks like you have a wonderful family. Thanks for stopping by the blog.

Karina said...

i just read your little side blurb about you guys and had to look up what a profusionist was. ha. so tom is in on heart surgeries? that's pretty cool, i thought he wanted to be a dentist? that was a big turn from mouths to hearts. i have pondered going to nursing school to be a surgical nurse. but anyways, way to go tom.