Friday, January 2, 2009

my little helper!

DSC06178, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

halle loves to be my little helper. she did such a good job folding these towels for my drawer, i could hardly believe i hadn't asked her to do it months ago. some of halle's jobs that she likes to do are:
gather her and kiera' s dirty clothes up in the morning (PJs) and after baths and put them in her laundry basket. tell me when the basket is full and put them in the washer and then after i put in soap, she knows which buttons to press. load the forks and spoons into the dishwasher, and when they are clean put them in the right drawer. change kiera's diaper, with my help, and put on kiera's diaper cream. this is one of the jobs halle has come up with lately, i wish she would have thought of it earlier, because kiera lays perfectly still for halle and throws a fit for me. putting the velcro straps on kiera's shoes (some jobs are pointless, but halle likes it). halle loves to make her bed, sweep, help me mop and vaccuum, and i hand her the groceries and tell her whether to put it in the pantry, fridge or freezer. halle even got kiera to put her dish in the sink when she finishes eating. kiera can only reach high enough to set it on the counter in front of the sink, but halle watches and then tips it over into the sink when kiera is done. oh , and halle loves to keep a glass full of ice water for me on the counter. She will also hang up her dresses and my shirts, but this one, she has to be in the mood for. its really all more cute then it is actually "helpful" because it takes her longer then if i just did it, but its starting to show potential. also, besides the things i listed, halle is a mess and is selective about what chores she likes!

PS. those towels are actually clean...that dang chocolate soy milk stains everything!!


Anonymous said...

Super helper it sounds like. I can only pray my children are that helpful. :)

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