Monday, August 24, 2009

putting the babies to bed

DSC08099, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

this is one of the girls favorite activities...they gather all the baby dolls from around the house, there are at least 10, and put them all to sleep, the extra bottom bunk has worked out great for this!

we have been getting better at family scripture reading and family prayer at the end of the night (nothing like a sticker chart to help us remember!)....the other night we forgot and the next morning halle had pulled the scriptures into bed with her and told me , "mom, we forgot to read last night, so i had to do it by myself and we forgot to say prayers, so i said it by myself" i was so happy, i asked her what she said and she told me the cutest little prayer. another cute prayer story: we usually take turns praying for meals and night, but kiki really doesn't care who's turn it is to pray, she is always shouting out the prayer right along with the person praying. halle just figures she wants it to be her turn, so she usually just offers to "whisper" in kiera's ear what she should say. its really cute. kiera's prayer by herself is usually something like this : "thank you, for day! thank you, for mommy, daddy, halle, thank you, food, JC, amen!"

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