Saturday, May 29, 2010

my kiki bear!

DSC09985, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

i haven't done a lot of posts just about kiki, so here is one:
kiki loves this lady bug dress. she can wear it for days, steal it out of the dirty laundry basket and hide it in her room and come out in it when your least expecting it. it is size 18 month, even snaps on the bottom and she would be devastated if i got rid of it.
she likes to quickly do her own hair, like in this picture, to avoid having me do it.
she is very sensitive, can easily get her feelings hurt or cries about her boo boos (both opposite of halle)
she is very affectionate
just when she is about to drive you over the edge, she senses it and says the nicest thing, like "your the nicesst mommy in the whole world"
she says a few words to halle and then "tell mommy" and lets halle give the entire explanation of what she is talking about, what two year old wouldn't love having a full time translator has come in useful many times. i often say, "halle, whats she talking about"
she loves playing pretend and her and halle come up with some crazy adventures.
she adores halle , whorships the ground she walks on, can't stand if halle is upset, asks for the second she wakes up in the morning. she is always trying to love on halle, hug her, kiss her, snuggle with her (halle is not into snuggling with her while watching tv and i can tell it is disappointing to kiki). she mimicks everything she says and does. and tells everyone, halle is my best freind!
she loves little things, little stuff animals and trinkets and can get easily attached to something that fits in her fist and carry it around all day and sleep with it.
she perfers to play with older kids, halle's age and above, won't really play with kids around her age, but if she sees an older girl somewhere and they give her any attention, she'll assume they are great freinds and grab their hands and insist they play with her. usually girls are fine with this, sometimes its funny when she does it to a way older girl, once at a jump house she just grabbed a 13ish girls hand and followed her around, when the girl and her friends sat down to talk in a circle, kiki just sat on the girls lap.
the girls have adoptive grandparents at church. now kiki thinks all older men are her freinds (dangerous, i know, haha) and went over to an old man at the pool and sat on his lap. i got her off so fast.....but she cracks me up how she thinks everyone is in love with her.
kiki is always trying to get a laugh out of the family or friends, she loves to blurt out potty words and of course we all crack up.
favorite things to do:
polly pockets and barbies (if i play with them, the girls could play this all day)
sit at vanity and do hair
cook with me
read dinosaur or ariel books
eat yogurt!!!
dance and tumble
play with guinea nibbles

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