Saturday, May 29, 2010

the pigs

DSC00060, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

these guinea pigs have been well tortured, i mean loved by the girls. this one is guinea nibbles, she lets you do anything to her and never runs. its the perfect pet for kiki who just wants to snuggle up to it all the time, so halle let her have it and took apples, the one that is much more wild....halle thinks apples is cuter and halle thinks she trained guinea nibbles and now wants the challenge of training apples, so she was happy to switch. since kiki usually just sits there and pets and feeds guinea nibbles she is good with her, but here are some of the many things i've had to say to kiki over the past two weeks:
"don't put her in your purse"
"get her out of your shirt"
"don't touch her eyes"
"guinea pigs can't dance" (she was holding her up on two feet"
"don't force her to eat"
"guinea pigs can't shake" (like a dog shakes with one paw)
"you must at least have underware on if you are going to play with them"
"she's not a pillow, kiera"
"you can't lick her" (i was expecting this one)
"i dont' think she likes riding on a stuff animal"
"she doesn' t have wings" (kiera pulls her skin out on both sides and flaps it like she is a fairy with wings)
"you can't hold her like a baby"

overall kiera is suprisingly gentle with them and the guinea pigs never bite, so they are a great pet.

1 comment:

Boyd Box said...

I must say the underware rule got me laughing and I had to share. Your girls crack me up. I'm so glad they have pets and it is working out so marvelously. Seriously, cute. (And, I need to stop saying/writing "seriously.")