Saturday, May 29, 2010

the recital

DSC00034, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

the recital turned out to be one of my happiest moments as a mother so far. the look on halle's face in this picture just shows how happy she was that day, she felt like a princess and it was a dream come true for her to be dancing on stage in front of 100s of people, something she has been asking to do since she was 2 years old (of course kiera was begging to go on stage too and kept reminding me that when she is 3 she is going to do ballet)
i was so excited for her, she was so comfortable on stage, not even nervous. halle thought that learning the songs was part of it and sang along to alot of it, which was so cute! i put some make up on her and glitter on her body and hair. the tumbling outfit was sooo cute and when halle described it to grandpa, i heard her on the phone say, "it was just the cutest thing i've ever seen"

1 comment:

Boyd Box said...

Halle is seriously a character from a book. You should write one. It'd be too cute and adorable with all the sweetness she exudes.