Monday, May 24, 2010

one of my fav pics

DSC09591, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

this is one of my favorite pictures i've ever taken of the girls! too bad the background is awful!

me, "halle if you were an animal, you would be a guinea pig"
halle, "why, because i have chubby cheeks and i like to snuggle?"

halle gave the scripture at church yestarday. i "wrote" the scripture out in hyroglyphics, like 5 pictures to trigger her memory....halle did great, she was alittle nervous, because i didnt' go up with her to do it, but i knew if she did it by herself, she would be so proud of herself. only one little mistake....she said, "except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the CASTLE of God"
i guess my picture of a kingdom, looked the same as a was cute~!

today the worker at the gym told me that halle always stands up for kiki and doesn't let anyone be mean to her! i was sooo happy to hear that!

we got two guinea pigs. we are all in love with them! (yes, me and tom included) kiki holds them and says softly, "its ok, its ok" we call her the pig whisperer.....she cannot get snuggled up close enough to the guinea pig and has told me a few times, "mommy, i'm in love with guinea nibbles"

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