Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blow drying cold feet!

DSC06529, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

these pictures are in the reverse order....this is halle blow drying her freezing cold hands and feet after we played in the snow...yes , thats right, it actually snowed in Georgia...i think i heard 4 whole inches, maybe 2 stuck to the was pretty exciting for everyone here, they even closed the schools the next day (the next day it was all melted, but any excuse to close a school, right?)....i haven't lived away from UT long enough to be excited to see snow, it brought back memories of walking to school from age 13 to 23, in the snow, yuck! the girls were excited to see it, problem is that when you live in a place that snows every 10 years, you don't have snow gear...i don't even have coats for the girls, i just put them in sweat shirts and rain coats, their hands were freezing and so they didn't play outside very the end of the week, we were back to the more typical 70s...the nice weather that makes living in Georgia bearable, not snow!

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