Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the girls!

Kiera is really liking that she can talk now. the other day she woke up in the middle of the night, i went in the room, she said, "poop, poop" and grabed her butt. i was too tired to try to make sense of her and just tried to rock her back to sleep, she kept crying and saying poop. finally she scooted off my lap, went to my room, and yelled, "daddy, daddy, poop, poop!" tom got up and asked me if she needed her diaper changed. i don't know, i said. sure enough she pooped. tom said, she can talk now. i guess she knew tom would take her serious. now she always comes and tells me, ususally i can smell it, but during the night, i don't think clearly.

kiera wanted me to leave peggy's house, she went up to peggy, "bye, bye...peggy" and then pulled on me , "go, go!" she wanted some mom's to leave our house today and she went up to them and waved, "bye-bye"...

kiera is 19months today...i just are some of her favorites:
`bananas, i have to hide them, yestarday, she ate 3
`she loves to go out, in the morning she likes to get ready and shakes the gate at the top of the stairs and says, go, go, bye-bye!
`loves to give hugs and kisses
`hates nursery
` loves to wave and say hi to strangers at stores
`obssessed with disney princesses, knows all their names, and loves to look at their books
`loves to jump out of the bath, run from me, squat and pee on the carpet, everyday!
`loves dress up clothes and make up
`insists, or she refuses to get in her carseat, that she put the key in the ignition and once she does it, she hops over the front seat and gets in her seat, we have to leave a few minutes early to make time for this ritual

lately halle.....

likes to try to use expressions that I use or big words that I use:
"will you do me a favor?", "thats difficult", "I can't believe it!", "that's unbelievable!", "thats rediculuous!"

she likes to try to impress me with how brave she is being with her broken toes, so she will do something, like run or jump, and then say, "you didn't know i could do that with a bum leg, did you?"

halle is really into rhyming, she loves to find words that rhyme and tell me, mom, goat, rhymes with coat, and dress, mess. she does this a lot , sometimes she picks a word thats too hard and will say, what rhymes with cereal?, "cereal, cereal", so i guess words rhyme with themself.

"mama, you need to change kiera, she has a stinky butt"
"my dads the boss!"
"maybe when daddy comes home, me and kiera can jump on him"
"kiera, can i have a turn?" NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! "i guess its still her turn" (seriously, kiki doesn't realize how lucky she is to have a sister as nice as halle)
"i just pooped a mommy, daddy and a baby poop!" (tranlation, she pooped 3 poops and she thinks she's hilarious!)
tom, "did you wipe?" halle, "yes", "did you get all the poop off", Halle moons tom and says, "i dont' know, check."and then laughs her head off, she seriously thinks shes a crack up.


Mike and Jen said...

so its funny how most of this post was about poop! What is goign on in the Garrett house! you gotta stop feeding those kids bananas

Heather said...

Yours girls are SO funny! Isabella hates nursery, too. Chris has to sit with her the entire time, and she stands by the door the entire time until Chris lets her come in the Primary room with me.