Monday, March 2, 2009

halle's faces

DSC06425, originally uploaded by Our Little One.

halle loves to ask me to take pictures of her, here's one of her favorite poses!

halle's gut still cracks me up, she is a thick/solid girl, 35 lbs i've been carrying around for 2 weeks now, on and off the pot, or here and there. With kiera its almost 60lbs, and we go up and down stairs, in and out of stores...i was sore the first week, great work out, but i need some sympathy, she's a big girl!

1 comment:

Mike and Jen said...

Okay I couldn't play the video but I am certain due to prior performances from Halle that its hilarious! That is the same face Zoe makes for all her pics too. And yes oh yes Halle is still a little chunky but my girls will envy her when she shoots into a 5 foot 9 goddess