Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Love Bugs!

I bought these shirts for the girls to wear to our Valentine's Day Party. (Jen recommends little sisters should have matching shirts for every holiday, thxs Jen!)
As you can see(from other slide show), Halle went to the party as Snow White. When I took her in the dressing room (on our way to the party) to put on the new shirt, she saw herself in the mirror and thought she looked so beautiful. "please don't make me wear that shirt, mom." I knew I wouldn't be able to convince her that the shirt was better then a snow white dress. On the way to the park, she kept saying, "mom, what is ruthie going to say when she sees me?" (me, "i don't know, halle, what?") Halle would say, "Halle, you look so pretty.", and we went through this with each of her friends, whats katelyn going to say, what's taylor going to say. I was glad she felt pretty at the party. This morning, i asked her to wear it for some pictures and to storytime, she was happy about that as long as she got to wear a skirt with it.
When i first put in their matching head bands, it was cute, but in the time it took to get the camera, something went wrong. It wasn't till after I looked through the pictures, that I noticed their matching messy hair.

ps. If you click on view all images, you can see the pictures bigger, (mom)

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