Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Halle's silly singing

Originally uploaded by Our Little One
I have a hard time capturing Halle at her ridiculous moments because she usually hates when i get out the camera. This is a rare video that captures just how goofy Halle really is. (luckily the camera was already on the couch so the moment was spontaneous) We were singing some songs together and Halle thought it would be hilarious to use this weird voice and make this weird face while she sang. She was totally cracking herself up. Tom was also laughing sooo hard that Halle is staring at him during the whole video because she loves when she makes us laugh. Halle is always trying to crack us up and usually does a good job at it.

there is another song on my flickr page thats just as silly.


Mike and Jen said...

Okay so Zoe was totally enthralled by Halle's performance. She kept saying "do it again". Halle you were born to be a star!

Heather said...

She is absolutely hilarious. No wonder you enjoy staying at home so much...you have free, built-in entertainment! What a cutie pie.

AZ Allreds said...

Hey you guys -- haven't seen you since Suse's wedding 2 years ago -- I can't believe how big Halle is, but then again she's the same age as our Ella (they have a lot of similarities for sillyness). I hope all is well in Georgia. Oh, Tom love the shirt in the side picture: URUGUAY!

Wheel Spinners said...

Just another note to say 'you guys rock!', your really old great (great great for the girls) Aunt Linda