Monday, January 21, 2008

Alternative vaccine scheduale

Is it worth the trouble to spread a baby's vaccines out over more visits so less shots are given at a time?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The main difference in my suggested alternative vaccine schedule is it spreads the infant vaccines out over the first few years of life, instead of bunching them all up in the first 18 months. It gives fewer vaccines at a time, gives the most important vaccines first, and slightly delays the less important vaccines. But ultimately the end result is the same - a fully vaccinated child. What are the benefits of my alternative schedule compared to the standard one?
By only giving two vaccines at a time (instead of as many as 6), I decrease the chance of chemical overload from grouping so many vaccines chemicals all together at once. This allows a baby's body to better detoxify the chemicals one or two at a time.
I give only 1 aluminum-containing vaccine at a time (instead of the recommended 4). Overloading on this metal can be particularly toxic to the brain (See Resources, page ___ of The Vaccine Book to view the research on this).
I give only one live-virus vaccine component at a time to allow the body's immune system to better handle the live viruses in these vaccines.
Giving fewer shots at a time may decrease the side effects, in my experience.
Giving fewer shots at a time also makes it easier to figure out which vaccine a child is reacting to if a severe reaction occurs.
Sure, vaccinating this way means more visits to the doctor's office, more gas money, more insurance co-pays and more time off work to take your baby in. BUT, some parents may decide it's worth the extra time, money and trouble.

anyone who knows me, knows I love dr. sears and frequently quote from his books, "The Baby Book" is one of my bibles. his website is full of valuable information on parenting, i respect what he says. He is highly against "baby training" books and theories, me too! and is all about natural, follow instincts, attachment parenting. anyways, this is the reason why i am waiting to vaccinate, thought it was interesting.


Karina said...

i am glad you are someone who researches and comes to your own conclusions based on what is right for you. i have decided not give clover any shots. well i only gave 2 that the doc stressed upon, but am not doing any more.

Nikki said...

Lori, thanks for the info. So do you just tell your doctor at lets say there 9 month visit I only want 1-2 shots? Will they always let you do that? That makes sense i have always thought they gave way to many at a time and I have been worried about the one shot linked to autism. I will have to check out Dr. Sears website and maybe purchase the book.

Lori said...

gave halle the vaccines at around one year old. with kiera i was once again hesitant, whats the hurry anyways. i haven't vaccinated her at all yet. i am hopeful that in the next 10-20 years more research will be done on the negative effects of vaccines esp. the connection to autism. if they don't know for sure, then why take the risk , right? if i change my mind, i can play catch up on vaccines anytime, but right now, i just feel like i can wait for research to be done. its your kids, i'm pretty sure you can tell them what shots you want and don't want. i'm sure some dr.s try to make you feel like your being rediculous, but oh well. my dr. really didn't care.