Monday, January 14, 2008


kiera started sitting and is really good at it! in this video the wind blew her over. Due to sleep depervation, my reaction time has been slowed and i wasn't able to catch her before she face plants. I told tom that sleep depervation was making me dumber everyday. He said , give me an example. ok, in the last month, i've knocked the mirror off the car 3 times while pulling out of the garage. tom said, you were a horrible driver long before you had kids.

Kiera has been sleeping in 2 hour blocks at night, for the last 3 nights! yea!! this is the best she has done since she was born. i was up with halle every 2 hours for a year, so i know i can do that. up every hour was crazy! life is back to normal again! We love her again, (just kidding, we never stoped, we just love her more now)


Nikki said...

I didn't get a straight 8 hours of sleep with Madison until she was 1 year-I feel your pain. With Tanner I read Babywise, have you ever heard of it? He has been sleeping through the night since he was 1 1/2 months! Every now and again he gets up but it is night and day diffrence from Madison.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that the reason you get more sleep during the night the more kids you have, is that you are so exhausted, you start sleeping through their awakeness and you think they're asleep!! That's my theory.