Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Potty Training

In the long run it's worth it. Right now, taking a 2 year old to a public restroom is gross, dragging a baby into the stall with us, really gross!


cat said...

Keep up the good work with the potty training! I am doing the same. I need to get one of those toilet seat covers you can put in your purse, plus some kind of sanitizer spray. Ewwww rest rooms!

Anonymous said...

It's even grosser when YOU'RE the one trying to "go" and the kids are all in there with you opening the door, looking under the stall at the person next to you, commenting on the sounds of the person next to you. Let's put it this way, if their pacifier is going to drop out of their mouths, for some gross reason, that's the place it happens.........